scorecardThis is the list of the worst airlines of the world. Guess which Indian one made it here
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  4. This is the list of the worst airlines of the world. Guess which Indian one made it here

This is the list of the worst airlines of the world. Guess which Indian one made it here

​ 10. Hainan Airlines

This is the list of the worst airlines of the world. Guess which Indian one made it here

​ 9. Korean Air

​ 9. Korean Air

There is 31.74% chance of delay.

​ 8. Air China

​ 8. Air China

There is 32.73 % chance of delay.

7. Hong Kong Airlines

7. Hong Kong Airlines

There is 33.42 % chance of delay.

​ 6. China Eastern Airlines

​ 6. China Eastern Airlines
There is 35.8 % chance of delay.

5. Asiana Airlines

 5. Asiana Airlines
There is 37.46 % chance of delay.

4. Philippine Airlines

4. Philippine Airlines
There is 38.33 % chance of delay.

3. Air India

 3. Air India
There is 38.71 % chance of delay. At a time, when our national carrier has just started showing some profit, this report comes as a bolt from the blue. Air India is a press statement has said that this report looks fabricated and denied to agree with the statistics.

​ 2. Iceland Air

​ 2. Iceland Air
There is 41.05 % chance of delay.

​ 1. El Al Israel Airlines

​ 1. El Al Israel Airlines
There is 56 % chance of delay.
