You Searched For "social security" and got 19 results
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Trump's plan for Social Security will help baby boomers in the short term and cut benefits for anyone younger
Trump promised to cut Social Security taxes. Experts say the plan could slash benefits for low-inco…
Allie Kelly
How Barack Obama Plans To Cut Social Security Spending By $130 Billion
This isn't a small amount of money, either. The government's savings from toggling CPI begin low — …
Walter Hickey
CHART: The Social Security Cliff
That cliff could come as early as 2029 to as late as 2037, but it's coming if we don't do something…
Danny Vinik
Obama Calls For Social Security Cut - And Buries It At The Very Bottom Of The Announcement
The most controversial item in the budget is a new measure of indexing growth of Social Security pa…
The Social Security curveballs making retirement even more confusing
Patrice Earnest, 66, is getting a $0 Social Security check. She's not alone.
Noah Sheidlower,Juliana Kaplan
Social Security won't save you
Baby boomers who struggled to save for retirement say that relying on Social Security doesn't cut i…
Juliana Kaplan,Noah Sheidlowe…
Thanks to the pandemic, Social Security won't be able to pay out all its benefits by 2034
By 2034, the Social Security Administration will only be able to pay for 78 percent of scheduled be…
Rebecca Cohen,Juliana Kaplan
What you should know about the government’s accident and disability scheme
This cover is for a period of one year between June 1 and May 31 of the subsequent year. The sub…
Americans are clueless about social security
Municipal bonds have had a rough go as of late, in part because of the debt problems of Chicago and…
Jonathan Garber
A woman lived in the same home with her mother's rotting corpse for months and collected her Social Security checks: police
Kimberly Heller, 54, is accused by the authorities of keeping her mother's corpse at home since May.
Cheryl Teh
Cabinet clears social security pact with Brazil
India has been signing bilateral social security agreements (SSAs) with other countries in order to…
HACKED: Sylvester Stallone's Social Security Number
The hack is being widely blamed on North Korean operatives because it used similar methods as past …
Matt Rosoff
A dwindling social security fund is the latest way the economy is slamming millennials
Social Security shrinking is the latest roadblock for millennials, who have no pension and little r…
Hillary Hoffower
AARP Blasts Obama's Historic Plan To Cut Social Security
The AARP is also a major player on Capitol Hill. Last year, they spent $10 million lobbying Congres…
Walter Hickey
10 cities where Social Security and retirement incomes are the highest
Arlington, Virginia ranked highest in retirement account and Social Security income, followed by Ca…
Noah Sheidlower
Social Security's 2025 bump is projected to be the smallest in 5 years
Social Security's 2025 cost-of-living adjustment is projected to be 2.66%. Over 70% of older adults…
Cork Gaines
Republicans Shouldn't Get Sidetracked By 'Libertarian Populism'
The Republican Party's core fiscal policy goals are both substantively bad and politically unsaleab…
Josh Barro
There Are Way Too Many Single Baby Boomers
"The absence of a spouse makes unmarried Boomers, especially men, vulnerable because they are less …
Mandi Woodruff
Liberals Furious Over Obama's Budget - Krugman Predicts Plan Will Blow Up In His Face
I am quite concerned by reports that the forthcoming White House budget proposal might include cha…