
You Searched For "nuclear fuel" and got 18 results

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1 min read

Radioactive material leaks detected at Japan's nuke fuel research facility

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has confirmed the detection of radioactive material leaks in …

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2 mins read

After a four-decade-long nuclear discord, energy-hungry India to receive uranium from Canada

In the past, nuclear power plants in India have faced uranium shortage; and to fuel these…

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9 mins read

A Cold War technology designed to make jets fly for days might solve Earth's looming energy crisis

"Thorium is around four times as abundant as uranium and about as common as lead. Pick up a handful…

Dave Mosher   

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3 mins read

This new technology for nuclear power could help fuel the AI revolution

Swiss startup Transmutex has pioneered a way to both reduce nuclear waste and increase energy outpu…

Lakshmi Varanasi   

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7 mins read

Iran's nuclear program has been an astronomical waste for the country - unless we're missing something

The cost calculator finds that a country with domestic uranium enrichment capabilities, high intere…

Armin Rosen   

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1 min read

Russia's Nuclear Warheads Keep The Lights On In America

Under a landmark 1993 nonproliferation deal, the United States has purchased uranium derived from a…

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32 mins read

A forgotten war technology could safely power Earth for millions of years. Here's why we aren't using it

"The Shippingport Atomic Power Station first went critical in December 1957 and produced energy for…

Dave Mosher   

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2 mins read

US agents fooled a yakuza boss into giving them weapons-grade plutonium he thought would be sold to Iran: court docs

Takeshi Ebisawa was charged with illegaly trafficking nuclear material after a sting operation, pro…

Mikhaila Friel,Haven Orecchio…   

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2 mins read

The US is sending $1 billion every year to Russia's nuclear program, despite pledging to cripple its economy with sanctions

US companies are paying billions for enriched uranium to subsidiaries of Rosatom, Russia's state-ow…

Marianne Guenot   

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5 mins read

A floating nuclear plant in Russia features a gym, bar, and pool. An expert calls it 'Chernobyl on ice.'

The plant, called Akademik Lomonosov, is expected to supply electricity to an estimated 100,000 hom…

Aria Bendix   

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3 mins read

Scientists just found the 'chemical fingerprint' of an alleged nuclear explosion that went undeclared in Russia

Radiation found by a group of scientists known as the "Ring of Five" has been shown to have come fr…

Aria Bendix   

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3 mins read

Ukraine alleges Russian operatives are doing 'secret' work at a captured nuclear power plant and could make a dirty bomb

Russia has accused Ukraine of planning to detonate a dirty bomb on its territory to frame it — some…

Jake Epstein   

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2 mins read

Fighting near Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant damaged a building housing radioactive waste and fresh fuel, watchdog photos show

IAEA chief Rafael Mariano Grossi said after last week's mission that the "physical integrity of the…

Jake Epstein   

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3 mins read

NASA has a plan for mini nuclear reactors on the moon which could one day power a lunar colony

NASA aims to send humans back to the moon within the decade and they'll need a reliable power sourc…

Marianne Guenot   

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3 mins read

Discarded Russian submarines could cause a nuclear disaster in the Arctic

National Geographic has previously reported that the chance of a leak from a nuclear submarine was …

Jeremy Bender   

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2 mins read

Iran Is Making Demands In Nuclear Negotiations That The West Will Never Accept

The P5+1 - the five permanent member states of the U.N. Security Council and Germany, which are cur…

Armin Rosen   

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2 mins read

Uranium prices spike to their highest since the 2011 Fukushima disaster, as Biden weighs sanctions on Russian supplier

Uranium prices rose 11% Friday, their highest level since Japan's 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, …

Shalini Nagarajan   

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3 mins read

Creepy drone footage from Fukushima shows how a nuclear reactor looks after meltdown

A drone and robot are aiding in the inspection of the devastation inside the Fukushima Daiichi nucl…

Marianne Guenot