
You Searched For "new dwarf planet" and got 15 results

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2 mins read

The smallest dwarf planet in our solar system was hiding in the asteroid belt

Hygiea isn’t a new discovery but the fact that it meets the International Astronomical Union’s (…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
4 mins read

Thousands of worlds may lurk beyond Pluto - and a stunning new animation shows them all

Pluto, Eris, Ceres, Makemake, Haumea, and five others meet Brown's "near certainty" criteria - in o…

Dave Mosher   

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3 mins read

There's new evidence that a mysterious 9th planet is lurking in our solar system

They'll be using the Subaru telescope on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii to hunt it down and sea…

Kelly Dickerson   

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3 mins read

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope breaks another record, discovering the smallest star-like object astronomers have ever seen

NASA's Webb telescope was able to spot an object, the smallest of its kind, from 1,000 light years …

Rupendra Brahambhatt   

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4 mins read

Dead planets can 'broadcast' for up to a billion years, and they could tell astronomers what will happen after our sun blows up

Stars die because they eventually burn through their reserves of hydrogen and helium. That fuel cre…

Morgan McFall-Johnsen   

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4 mins read

Here's why some scientists think Pluto should still be a planet

Narrator: And while these new worlds looked and behaved like Pluto, they were completely different …

Gina Echevarria,Shira Polan   

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2 mins read

Pluto was discovered 90 years ago this week. Controversy about its identity rages on.

When he discovered Pluto, Planet X became real - for a time. But in 2003, a world larger than Pluto…

Holly Secon   

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2 mins read

Humans just made history by reaching an icy dwarf planet for the first time

"We feel exhilarated," Chris Russell, principal investigator of the Dawn mission at the University …

Jessica Orwig   

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3 mins read

NASA Just Released The Best Images Of A Dwarf Planet We've Ever Seen

They also want to investigate why the dwarf planet is spewing jets of water vapor into space - a di…

Jessica Orwig   

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2 mins read

Humans are about to make our first visit to a dwarf planet - a mission more than 100 years in the making

This is made possible by its ion propulsion system, which gave the spacecraft enough power to escap…

Jessica Orwig   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

Here's the first video of Pluto made from the clearest photos ever taken of the dwarf planet

Even from one million miles away, New Horizons was snapping photos (shown below) that were already …

Jessica Orwig   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

There Could Be A Habitable Planet Just 13 Light Years Away From Earth

The researchers don't know if life could exist on such a planet, though, because being closer to yo…

Jennifer Welsh   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

See Pluto as a glowing crescent in this stunning high-res photo

You can see the haze of Pluto's thin atmosphere circling the planet and, in the top of the sunlit p…

Kelly Dickerson   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

James Webb Space Telescope reveals one of the most mysterious worlds in the universe might have a volcanic moon

Mysterious brown dwarfs are neither planets nor stars, but this one somehow has northern lights, me…

Maiya Focht,Morgan McFall-Joh…   

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7 mins read

Astronomers have found 7 Earth-size planets circling a dwarf star - and they might harbor life

"But one thing is certain: in a few billion years, when the Sun has run out of fuel and the Solar S…

Dave Mosher