You Searched For "mergers and acquisitions" and got 16 results
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In One Slide, Barclays Shows Why There's Going To Be A Surge In Mergers & Acquisitions
2: Yields on assets are very high compared to funding costs (high-yield borrowing costs). That also…
MORGAN STANLEY: Here Are 9 Stocks Ripe For A Takeover
The research team throws caution to the winds, reminding clients that only 2.8% of the largest 1000…
Lucas Kawa
Twitter is reportedly tracking how many workers turn down job offers due to fears over Elon Musk
Billionaire Elon Musk's $44 billion purchase of Twitter has yet to close, but it's already having i…
Ben Gilbert
Wall Street's Most Bullish Strategist Is Worried About This Chart
"The recent trend in mergers and acquisitions might indicate that financial assets have become over…
Sam Ro
There's A Whole New Class Of Companies Spending Hundreds Of Millions To Buy Startups
Today it might not seem obvious, but a year or two from now, companies big and small are going to r…
This Investment Bank Deck Shows There Is NO Tech Bubble
But at Business Insider's Ignition 2013 conference last month, boutique investment bank Gridley &am…
Jim Edwards
STARTUP CEO: My Biggest Competitor Just Told Me 'Sell To Us Or We'll Crush You'
"Just try to determine if they are serious about entering the space if you say No," Lemkin writes. …
Megan Rose Dickey
American-US Airways Merger Won't Affect Your Frequent Flier Miles - For Now
Ultimately, the combined company is expected to offer members more opportunities to earn and burn m…
Private Equity firms have invested a whopping $4 billion in Apr-Jun quarter
Private Equity firms have invested around $ 4 billion
through 128 deals during the quarter that end…
CHART OF THE DAY: Half Of Startup Exits Last Year Were Valued At Less Than $50 Million
More than 50% of the startup exits were less than $50 million, while over 80% were less than $200 m…
Kamelia Angelova
India breaks all records, touches whopping $72.4 billion in mergers and acquisitions in 2016
A report by Thomson Reuters on Mergers and Acquisition (M&As) highlighted that India achieved an un…
Owing to funding crunch, many startups are going to get swallowed by big fishes this year
"We definitely expect to see more consolidation this year driven by a few factors-acquisitions that…
Business leaders say mergers and acquisitions will pick up in the next year
While China remains a strong region for US investment, mergers and acquisitions in America are not …
James Kosur
A Source Met With Marissa Mayer's Acquisitions Team, And This Is What They Said They Want To Buy
The mobile requirement makes a ton of sense. Yahoo has a large total audience in mobile because the…
Why So Many Big Acquisitions Keep Turning Sour
Why do you think these companies supposedly with some of the best financial minds in the world at t…