You Searched For "map of universe" and got 18 results
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Google Maps lets you explore the cosmos like Star Trek — complete with a warp drive ‘whoosh’
Google Maps can really take you anywhere — including outer space. To make sure the experience feels…
The Universities With The Most Students In Each State [MAP]
"To gather the information, I first started with brainstorming what I thought were the major univer…
This Stunning Video Maps Our Vast Universe
The region known as the Great Attractor exerts an unusually strong gravitational pull over the bodi…
Robert Ferris
This is the key difference between Google and Apple Maps
"I think the Universal Map is significant because there's nothing else like it in history," O'Beirn…
Cadence Bambenek
Astrophysicists published the largest 3D map of the universe ever made, filling in 11 billion years of history
It's the most comprehensive 3D map of the cosmos to date, covering millions of galaxies and superma…
Susie Neilson
The Frattiest Neighborhoods In America
Nearly all of Manhattan's east side, with some areas in the surrounding boroughs, is covered with f…
Lauren Browning
The most detailed map yet of all dark matter in the universe reveals cosmic voids where the laws of physics seem not to apply
By imaging 226 million galaxies, astronomers have created the largest map ever of dark matter, whic…
Aylin Woodward
Scientists have just created the best map ever of one of the most mysterious substances in the cosmos
To create the map to the right, astronomers used one of the world's most powerful digital cameras p…
Kelly Dickerson
5 Strange Ancient Maps Show How Different The World Looked To Our Ancestors
Oxford University Press recently published "The Oxford Map Companion: One Hundred Sources in World …
Rob Wile
Here are millennials' favorite neighborhoods in 6 big US cities
The Generationed City project at the University of Waterloo, led by Professor Markus Moos, seeks to…
Andy Kiersz
This Map Shows The Most Influential College In Every State
According to Noodle, this list was based on an aggregation of data from over 4,000 colleges. Noodle…
The largest map of the cosmos hints that dark energy is changing. It could prove Einstein wrong and upend a pillar of modern physics.
Astronomers have made the largest 3-D map of our universe and it could change the way we understand…
Jessica Orwig,Morgan McFall-J…
Here's Where Americans Think Ukraine Is
What's more is that the further a respondents' guesses were from Ukraine, the more they wanted the …
Pamela Engel
Scientists have made the largest map of galaxies ever - and it will shine light on one of the darkest mysteries of the universe
A slice through the map of the large-scale structure of the Universe from the Sloan Digital Sky Sur…
Ali Sundermier
Thousands of tiny robots will look 11 billion years back in time to solve one of the oldest mysteries in the universe
According to the press release, the map will shine light on the properties of the galaxies, stars, …
Ali Sundermier
Einstein's 100 year old theory is helping us map the universe in all its lumps and glory
The scientists also want to do an analog of experiments, pretending that they are observers sitting…
Ali Sundermier
Why Is Spain So... Empty? Here's What Google Autocompletes For Each Country In Europe
BI contributor Randal Olson, a Computer Science graduate research assistant at Michigan State Unive…
Michael Kelley
Five Things We Didn't Know About The Universe Before This New Map
By studying this data we can answer deep and fundamental questions of our universe. The universe is…