
You Searched For "how many asteroids" and got 16 results

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3 mins read

An asteroid only turns into a meteor if it falls to Earth

Space agencies keep an eye out for these objects have come to realise that the asteroids having …

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

This space probe is almost ready to sample an asteroid - and resolve a mystery of life's origins

This is closer than most asteroids, but the spacecraft likely won't reach Bennu until 2019. After i…

Kelly Dickerson   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

A 'city-killer' asteroid got scarily close to Earth yesterday, and astronomers didn't know about it until it was just days away

But an asteroid doesn't need to be miles wide to cause significant damage. In 1908, a space ro…

Aylin Woodward   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

A giant asteroid flying past Earth on Halloween is the least of our nightmares

Right now NASA is preparing to send a spacecraft to an asteroid, and the agency hopes to eventually…

Kelly Dickerson   

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2 mins read

Asteroid 33 Polyhymnia is so dense it may actually contain elements never before seen on Earth, according to a new study

Researchers believe that an asteroid in our galaxy is denser than the densest element in the Period…

Grace Eliza Goodwin   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
4 mins read

Here's why NASA is risking nearly $1 billion to suck up 2.1 ounces of dirty asteroid

If all goes according to plan, the 1.7-ton OSIRIS-REx probe - short for Origins, Spectral Interpret…

Dave Mosher   

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3 mins read

We just got a big step closer to scouring key resources from asteroids hurtling through space

Because of its high value for space exploration, water will likely be the first resource to be mine…

Ali Sundermier   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
4 mins read

NASA will reach an asteroid today that may contain raw materials for life on Earth. Watch the rendezvous live.

According to NASA, Bennu (the asteroid formerly known as "1999 RQ36") is one such dirty asteroid in…

Dave Mosher   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

Mini-moons like the one Earth just captured could be huge business opportunities

Asteroids are ripe for mining. Some contain gold or platinum. Others could help make rocket fuel. W…

Morgan McFall-Johnsen   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

The asteroid that obliterated the dinosaurs came uncomfortably close to wiping out mammals too

The researchers analyzed fossil records from western North America from around 68 million years ago…

Ali Sundermier   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

An asteroid is about to slip between Earth and the moon - and it'll be the second in 3 weeks

Asteroid 2017 BX, according to Slooh and NASA JPL data, is similar to asteroid 2017 AG13, which fle…

Dave Mosher   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

A football stadium-sized asteroid will blaze by Earth today. Here's how to watch the potentially hazardous 'city killer' live.

Watch live as a "potentially hazardous" asteroid the size of a football stadium whips past Earth to…

Ellyn Lapointe   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

An airplane-size asteroid is about to zoom uncomfortably close to Earth

One more thing: Though this asteroid no longer seems to pose a threat to humanity, there are many n…

Julia Calderone   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs struck at a perfect angle to inflict maximum planetwide damage, a study found

The asteroid 66 million years ago that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs hit at a 60-degree an…

Aylin Woodward   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

The smallest dwarf planet in our solar system was hiding in the asteroid belt

Hygiea isn’t a new discovery but the fact that it meets the International Astronomical Union’s (…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

Unprecedented new video shows NASA's Osiris-Rex spacecraft landing on an asteroid and sucking up dust

In NASA's video, the probe creates a flurry of dust and rock — which is how it attempted to collect…

Morgan McFall-Johnsen