
You Searched For "high stroke risk" and got 20 results

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2 mins read

Young working professionals now at high stroke risk: Study

Among young people who had a stroke, there was a significant increase in the proportion who were…

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2 mins read

Stroke cases increasing globally, air pollution, high temperatures driving numbers, notes Lancet Study

Globally, the number of people experiencing a stroke for the first time rose to 119 lakh in 2021 --…


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4 mins read

Why hypertension increases the risk of heart disease and stroke and what to do about it

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the cause of many cardiovascular conditions and it increas…

MK Manoylov,Nicholas S. Amoro…   

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2 mins read

A top nutrition scientist had a stroke at 53. Here did two things to lower his blood pressure — and cutting out salt wasn't one of them.

After nutrition scientist Tim Spector had a stroke at the age of 53, he changed his diet to lower h…

Serafina Kenny   

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3 mins read

Amgen is getting whacked after disappointing study results

The trial's primary composite goal included need for artery clearing procedures and hospitalization…

Reuters,Lydia Ramsey   

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2 mins read

The FDA is strengthening its warnings about heart attack and stroke risks associated with common pain drugs

The over-the-counter and prescription versions of the medications relieves the symptoms of fever, h…

Lydia Ramsey   

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3 mins read

After a stroke like the kind Sen. John Fetterman had, doctors say depression is very common and can make recovery even more challenging

John Fetterman checked into the hospital Wednesday for depression, months after a stroke. Doctors s…

Hilary Brueck,Lloyd Lee   

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3 mins read

More young people are having strokes. A doctor shares 3 ways to help prevent them.

Keeping stroke risk factors, such as high blood pressure and being overweight, under control can lo…

Kim Schewitz   

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2 mins read

3 signs you're having a stroke that you probably don't know, including those more likely to affect women

Stroke is a leading cause of death in the US, according to the CDC. But it can be treated if sympto…

Dr. Catherine Schuster-Bruce   

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4 mins read

3 things doctors can do to prevent strokes in Black patients, who have double the risk

A new study laid out three concrete things doctors can be doing to reduce the risk of stroke, parti…

Kate Hull   

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3 mins read

People who've had a miscarriage may have a higher risk of stroke, study suggests

A large study found women who experience infertility, miscarriage, or stillbirth may have a slightl…

Anna Medaris   

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2 mins read

Consuming low-calorie sweetener may increase your risk of heart attack and stroke, study finds

Erythritol, an artificial sweetener found in Splenda packets, was linked to enhanced blood clotting…

Andrea Michelson   

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4 mins read

Deadly 'wet bulb' temperatures are hitting the US this week. Learn the 3 stages of heat stroke, and how to intervene before it becomes fatal.

If you feel thirsty, weak, or nauseous in the heat, you could be on your way to serious illness unl…

Andrea Michelson   

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3 mins read

NeNe Leakes' 23-year-old son is struggling to speak after having a stroke and heart failure. Here are the symptoms and who's most at risk.

The former "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" star said her son had made "some improvement," but didn…

Catherine Schuster-Bruce,Anna…   

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4 mins read

What is AFib? Danger signs and treatments for atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a common type of arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, that can increas…

Nina Pullano   

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2 mins read

People who nap during the day are more likely to develop high blood pressure and stroke, study finds

Napping regularly is linked to higher risk of stroke and high blood pressure, data suggests, but it…

Gabby Landsverk   

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3 mins read

A 41-year-old man died of a stroke after taking generic Viagra with alcohol

People need to know about the potential side effects of sildenafil, a generic form of Viagra, when …

Catherine Schuster-Bruce   

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3 mins read

'The West Wing' creator Aaron Sorkin told he'd had a stroke after waking up at night and crashing into walls

The screenwriter shared his story to raise awareness: "If it'll get one person to stop smoking," he…

Catherine Schuster-Bruce   

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2 mins read

Eating one egg a day could significantly reduce your risk of heart disease, according to a major new study

Eggs have a complicated history in the media. They are a major source of dietary cholesterol, which…

Lindsay Dodgson   

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4 mins read

How to recognize early heat stroke symptoms and cool your body down

The early signs of heat stroke can be flushed skin, heavy sweating, rapid breathing or heart rate, …

Erin Heger,Jason R. McKnight