You Searched For "government spending" and got 17 results
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This Chart Is For Anyone Who Thinks The US Has A High Level of Government Spending
As we pointed out yesterday, the idea that the US pays a lot in taxes in objectively false on a glo…
The Real Economic Growth Killer - Government Spending Cuts
And you can argue that we simply can't keep borrowing more money to fund spending we can't afford. …
Have You Heard Of The 'Mini-Sequester'? It's Just Another Way That Washington DC Might Blow Everything
When Congress extends the current CR, it will either have to alter the CR’s spending rate so that t…
Walter Hickey
In One Chart: America Has Had More Austerity Than You Ever Would Have Imagined
For four years since the end of the recession, government spending has been a net drag on GDP (with…
Government Contributions To GDP Since 1965
People generally assume that when a democrat occupies the Oval Office, government gets bigger and g…
Sam Ro
Since We're Talking About Debt And Deficits Again, Let's Review The Facts... [CHARTS]
CHART 6: Lastly, here's the long-term view. If we don't develop a long-term plan to either cut he…
These Stunning Examples Of Government Waste Cost Taxpayers $16 Billion
This can take the form of calling out questionable or improper use of funds, finding structural pro…
Walter Hickey
Old People And Inflation Will Make Health Care Much More Expensive In America
The CBO projects that about 60% of the rise in spending on health care programs over the next sever…
Lisa Mahapatra
Three Charts That Show That Republicans Have Won The Budget War
This gets to the heart of the conservative position. We've passed an unprecedented amount of auster…
Danny Vinik
Anti-Debt Group Gets Thoroughly Trolled After Trying To Start A Discussion On Twitter
Championed by Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles, Fix the Debt - which The Nation magazine called a "f…
Steven Perlberg
The case for more government spending in one chart
They estimate that the US has an investment need of $3.3tn between 2016 and 2025 and planned invest…
Myles Udland
The Sequester Cuts Go A Lot Deeper Than White House Tours - Here's How Local Communities Are Struggling
For the past few weeks, we've been taking a look at how local newspapers have been bracing their co…
Brett LoGiurato
Conservatives Are Upset That Government Spending Fell Last Quarter
Conservatives are slamming President Barack Obama for a shock drop in GDP last quarter. But we've p…
Brett LoGiurato
The No. 1 Question Republicans Need To Answer About Their Big Deficit Shift
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has reportedly led the charge among House Republicans, urging his…
Grace Wyler
America Is Officially Freaking Out About Sequestration
Obama and both parties of Congress have been warning about the cuts of the sequester for the past f…
Brett LoGiurato
Barack Obama's Budget Is Very Tiny Compared To Past Presidents
We used the Government Printing Office — which inventories the annual budget document — and figured…
Walter Hickey
The Sequester Is A Perfect Example Of How Congress Plays Favorites With Federal Programs
As a result, clinics are scaling back their offerings to Medicare patients, with one practice in Ma…