
You Searched For "google maps defence" and got 18 results

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2 mins read

Is Google Maps a ‘security threat’ to India's sovereignty, Delhi High Court asks government

Google Earth's mapping services might be a 'security threat' to India's sovereignty according to a …

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1 min read

India successfully fight tests 'Agni Prime' ballistic missile with a range of 2,000 kms

New generation ballistic missile 'Agni Prime' was successfully flight-tested by the Defence Researc…

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2 mins read

Google and Apple might soon need a license for satellite mapping in India

Non-compliance to the above regulation could land you in jail for seven years, while inviting a fin…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

Earth's magnetic north pole is on the move and it's confusing the maps on your phone

So, while the geographical true north is still at the tip of the Prime Meridian, the magnetic no…

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1 min read

A Russian soldier shot dead 8 colleagues and injured 2 others at a military base in Siberia

"At 6:20 p.m. local time on October 25, a serviceman of the repair and maintenance base stationed o…

Will Martin   

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1 min read

A bar on a tiny Scottish island that has no residents is advertising for a bartender

The role offers a rare opportunity for someone looking to escape the trappings of modern life, by m…

Will Heilpern,Will Heilpern   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

Google wants to turn Android phones into the world's largest earthquake detection network

Each smartphone already comes with tiny accelerometers, which is how Google Maps can estimate ho…

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3 mins read

Britain sparks memories of the Cold War by sending hundreds more troops to the Russian border

Putin and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have "destroyed" the city, a stronghold for rebels again…

Thomas Colson   

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4 mins read

Tensions are mounting between Russia, China, and Japan in the Pacific

At the same time that Japan seeks to hedge against Chinese military expansion in the East and South…

Alex Lockie,Reuters   

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2 mins read

More than 220 people crushed to death in a stampede during the annual pilgrimage to Mecca

The journey is said to be one of the five pillars of Islam, the cornerstones of the Muslim faith, a…

Dina Spector   

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5 mins read

Turkey may finally be 'accepting the inevitable' in Syria

So far, however, the Turks' response to the weekend incident has been relatively muted. When asked …

Natasha Bertrand   

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3 mins read

If you get this 'phishy' looking email from Adobe, don't open it

The new campaign is less sophisticated than Wekby's past efforts and reportedly uses the same fake …

Alastair Stevenson   

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2 mins read

The 10 most important things in the world right now

4. Tens of thousands of Syrians are using massive cave complexes in the countryside as strongholds,…

Dina Spector   

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2 mins read

British spies are officially setting the standard for fighting hackers

UK government spending watchdog the National Audit Office (NAO) estimates the cyber skills gap will…

Alastair Stevenson   

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2 mins read

An unexploded WWII bomb that shut a London airport is being dragged out to sea to be blown up by the Royal Navy

The bomb disposal team has since removed the bomb with a lifting bag and dragged it down the Thames…

Alexandra Ma   

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2 mins read

Wayra pledges to help startups across the UK so they don't feel 'pressured' to come to London

Gary Stewart, director of Wayra UK and Telefónica Open Future, said in a statement: "It's become ab…

Sam Shead   

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2 mins read

The WWII bomb that shut down a London airport has been detonated at sea

Divers removed the ordnance with a lifting bag on Monday, dragged it down the Thames over…

Alexandra Ma