You Searched For "climate change photos" and got 19 results
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2 striking photos taken just over a year apart show how Greta Thunberg's climate strike inspired millions
In August 2018, Greta Thunberg sat outside Swedish parliament with a sign reading "school strike fo…
Morgan McFall-Johnsen
A striking view of Earth from space shows smoke from West Coast wildfires clouding seas
Over 85 major fires are burning throughout the West Coast, killing dozens of residents as it contin…
Inyoung Choi
Republican climate activists visited a disappearing island to convince Americans the threat of sea-level rise is real - these photos show how grave the situation has become
There is one place where climate change is perhaps most imminent. Twelve miles from either coast of…
Leanna Garfield
People are using the viral '10-year challenge' as a stark warning about what's happening to our planet
Denis Balibouse/Reuters A set of photos shows the difference between the ice on Switzerland's…
Aylin Woodward
Shocking Before And After Pictures Of How Climate Change Is Destroying The Earth
Rising global temperatures, largely due to man-made greenhouse gases, are the source of widely-disc…
Dina Spector
27 photos show how climate change has ravaged the Arctic in the past decade
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'a annual Arctic Report Card, which descr…
Joey Hadden
BEFORE AND AFTER: Photos Show How Climate Change Is Already Melting The World's Glaciers
The rapid retreat of the West Antarctic ice sheet is anecdotal of climate change-related impacts on…
Dina Spector
17 Shocking Photos That Show How Global Warming Is Everywhere
Earlier this month, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released the fourth and final ins…
Chelsea Harvey
A Landmark US Report On Climate Change Will Be Released On Tuesday
"Climate change, once considered an issue for a distant future, has moved firmly into the present,"…
Leslie Baehr
Thousands took to the streets to protest Trump on his 100th day - here are the photos
Since taking office, Trump has taken a number of steps to roll back much of former president Obama'…
Sonam Sheth
The climate apocalypse is becoming a 'medical emergency.' Here are 8 ways it could affect your health.
These are just some of the dangers outlined in a report on climate change and human health that was…
Peter Kotecki,Peter Kotecki
An amazing photo of a polar bear napping on an iceberg is driving a conversation about the climate crisis
More than 75,000 people voted for the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People's Choice Award showc…
Mikhaila Friel
Before and after pictures show how climate change is destroying the earth
Rising global temperatures, largely due to man-made greenhouse gases, are the source of widely-disc…
Dina Spector
Something terrifying is happening at the North Pole
It's a slow, constant process. Global temperatures rise a little every year, bit by bit accruing di…
Rafi Letzter
16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg is being compared to Lady Liberty after she shared a powerful photo of herself arriving in New York by boat
16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg has garnered comparisons to Lady Liberty on social medi…
Rosie Perper,Rosie Perper
American schools teach climate change differently in every state - except these 19
"Human activities, such as the release of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, are major fac…
Abby Jackson
G7 leaders took a stroll in Sicily - and Trump followed them in a golf cart
"They walked the 700 yards from the traditional G7 group photo, taken at a Greek amphitheatre, to a…
Sonam Sheth
777 former EPA officials signed a letter urging Congress to reject the Trump administrations 'climate denial policies'
"The Trump Administration efforts to extinguish U.S. climate change policy and leadership flout sci…