You Searched For "austerity" and got 20 results
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Here's Why Roger Altman Is Wrong About How The Markets Forced Austerity On Europe
This point can further be proven by making two additional observations. Italy replaced its Prime Mi…
The U.K. has been rebuked by IMF officials. Reinhart and Rogoff have imploded publicly. Niall Fergu…
The Rapid Public Implosion Of The Austerity Movement Is Like Nothing We've Ever Seen
Expansionary austerity has been refuted and even the IMF says that short-run multipliers are big. T…
In One Chart: America Has Had More Austerity Than You Ever Would Have Imagined
For four years since the end of the recession, government spending has been a net drag on GDP (with…
How Austerity Is Increasingly Crushing Europe
Having been to Europe multiple times in 2012 to assess the macro situation, it has become increasin…
Sam Ro
The Economic Argument Is Over - Paul Krugman Has Won
SEE ALSO: The Grad Student Who Discovered The Truth About Debt Explains Why The Famous Paper Was Wr…
Outrage In UK After Conservative Politician Says He Could Live On $11.50 A Day
The MP made the claim in an interview with BBC Radio 4's Today program, where he was attempting to …
Adam Taylor
CHART OF THE DAY: The Worst Of Global Austerity Is Coming To End
"This is best illustrated by measures of the underlying, or cyclically-adjusted, budget deficit," s…
Sam Ro
European Leaders Keep Telling Themselves The Same Huge Lie - And It's Ruining The Economy
Why are yields so low? Well lately people are citing Japan, and the BOJ's efforts to depress rates.…
Furious Britons Picket Prime Minister's House To Protest Spending Cuts And Economy
Cutting spending to reduce deficits in a weak economy weakens the economy even further. The weakeni…
KEN ROGOFF: The Bloggers Are On A 50s McCarthyism Witch Hunt Over My Spreadsheet Error
Economists (and bloggers!) like Paul Krugman and Dean Baker piled on, the thought being that Rogoff…
Steven Perlberg
GOLDMAN: Europe Needs More Austerity
While weak growth is a key near-term risk to debt accumulation, the medium-term risks focus on the …
Matthew Boesler
4 People Who Praised David Cameron's Austerity Before The UK Economy Turned To Shambles
The new coalition’s most pressing challenge was economic policy, and again Cameron was brave. Rathe…
Rob Wile
The Austerity Movement Is Crumbling
His comments come as economists debate the effect of statistical errors in widely cited academic re…
CHART OF THE DAY: Spending Is The Problem
Government spending, which usually provides a boost to the economy in the quarters following the re…
This is 'the end of eurozone austerity'
From a bond markets perspective, QE drives a wedge between nominal growth and yields, keeping yield…
Mike Bird
Puerto Rico's School System Can't Afford Nighttime Guards Anymore, And Thieves Have Been Having A Field Day
"Given the relative lack of funds that we're experiencing, we must safeguard property and guarantee…
Rob Wile
Puerto Rico's School System Can't Afford Nighttime Guards Anymore, And Thieves Have Been Having A Field Day
"Given the relative lack of funds that we're experiencing, we must safeguard property and guarantee…
Rob Wile
The French Prime Minister Is Selling 1,400 Bottles Of Wine Because... Austerity
Hollande's own residence, the Elysee Palace, sold off a 10th of its wine cellar in May for 178,800 …
Steven Perlberg
In Case You Needed More Proof That It's Stupid To Cut Government Spending In A Weak Economy...
The logic for this approach rests on the theory that our economy is crappy because consumers are un…