
You Searched For "asteroid belt dwarf planet" and got 18 results

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2 mins read

The smallest dwarf planet in our solar system was hiding in the asteroid belt

Hygiea isn’t a new discovery but the fact that it meets the International Astronomical Union’s (…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
4 mins read

Millions of miles from Earth, NASA found a mysterious ice volcano that's half the size of Mt. Everest

The scientists used geological maps of the region made from images taken by Dawn as it orbited Cere…

Ali Sundermier   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

Humans are about to make our first visit to a dwarf planet - a mission more than 100 years in the making

This is made possible by its ion propulsion system, which gave the spacecraft enough power to escap…

Jessica Orwig   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

NASA's only mission to the Asteroid Belt is about die an 'impotent' death after 11 years in space

"It will struggle for a short time, but it will be impotent," Marc Rayman, Dawn's mission manager a…

Dave Mosher   

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2 mins read

Humans just made history by reaching an icy dwarf planet for the first time

"We feel exhilarated," Chris Russell, principal investigator of the Dawn mission at the University …

Jessica Orwig   

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2 mins read

A huge pyramid-like mountain exists in the asteroid belt and NASA can't explain it

Expect to hear about other surprises on Ceres in the coming years: The Dawn spacecraft is in such a…

Sarah Kramer,Dave Mosher   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

NASA Just Released The Best Images Of A Dwarf Planet We've Ever Seen

They also want to investigate why the dwarf planet is spewing jets of water vapor into space - a di…

Jessica Orwig   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

A dwarf planet between Mars and Jupiter has a salty ocean beneath its surface, making it a contender for alien life

"Ceres is the latest evidence that our solar system is filled with ancient habitable environments,"…

Morgan McFall-Johnsen   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

There's new evidence that a mysterious 9th planet is lurking in our solar system

They'll be using the Subaru telescope on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii to hunt it down and sea…

Kelly Dickerson   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

There may be new evidence of a mysterious 'Planet X' hiding beyond Pluto

If this giant "Planet X" exists, we probably haven't spotted it because it's so far away. At such a…

Kelly Dickerson   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

These mysterious white spots in space may be a mineral similar to a laxative

A new study in the journal Nature identifies the material as a salt made of magnesium sulfate, call…

Kelly Dickerson   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

Scientists are one step closer to cracking the cosmic case of a dwarf planet's disappearing craters

Based on collision models, scientists figured Ceres should have accumulated about 10 to 15 cra…

Ali Sundermier   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
5 mins read

NASA is on a 'daring adventure' to get the closest-ever photos of Ceres - a dwarf planet between Mars and Jupiter

"Because of [a] commitment to protect Ceres from Earthly contamination, Dawn will not land or crash…

Dave Mosher   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
4 mins read

NASA just announced it will probe a dead planet's core

"[W]hen NASA says that there have been 12 Discovery missions, consider that 10 of them were selecte…

Dave Mosher   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

These incredible images are the best yet of our near-neighbor dwarf planet Ceres

The top row of the image below shows the bright spot near Ceres's equator. The bottom row shows a p…

Kelly Dickerson   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

NASA is about to solve a major mystery about dwarf planet Ceres

Last year astronomers at the European Space Agency peered at Ceres with the Herschel telescope and …

Kelly Dickerson   

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4 mins read

An asteroid strike on Pluto hints that a giant, habitable ocean might exist below its icy crust

"Nitrogen is a critical element for life as we know it and Pluto's putative ocean could be a source…

Dave Mosher   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

NASA spacecraft 'is about to make history'

The smooth features on Ceres, including shallow craters that likely eroded over time, make scientis…

Jessica Orwig  Â