You Searched For "asat india world reaction" and got 18 results
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It might be time for ‘space superpowers’ to bring in a new space treaty
But, it is a cause for concern if other countries follow in their footsteps — especially in li…
Pentagon defends India's ASAT test in front US military oversight committee
India maintains that it did not violate any international laws in conducting its sat…
India's test of its anti-satellite weapon may have weakened its fight against dangerous space debris
India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, just announced the successful test of India’s anti-satellite…
US, Russia and China with space debris in the thousands are complaining about 49 pieces from India's A-SAT test
Yet, India's debris is mere fraction of the debris left behind in space by other nations aro…
NASA slams India's anti-satellite test, may pull support from mission Gaganyaan
According to NASA, the risk of collision of the debris with the International Space Station (ISS…
India's anti-satellite missile test just moved humanity closer to a space-junk nightmare scenario
After a Chinese missile armed with a "kinetic kill vehicle" (essentially a giant bullet-like slug) …
Dave Mosher
ESA satellite Sentinel-1A dodges a 'high-risk collision' from Russian space debris
"On Monday, for the first time, we performed a set of manoeuvres to avoid a high-risk collision wit…
India’s new ‘Space Activities Bill’ will fix the liability for damage caused in outer space
But, it might not be the best news for private players who will now have to seek authorizati…
The race to become the next space ‘superpower’ lands China on the ‘dark side’ of the moon
Not only does is position China as a space superpower in the eyes of the the rest of the world, …
Mission Shakti and anti-satellite weapons: India’s space developments you need to know about
An External Ministry Statement said, "The capability achieved through the A-SAT test provides …
India's new space warning system will also keep an eye out for hostile missiles
The Network for Space Object Tracking and Analysis (NETRA) will safeguard India’s 50 functiona…
The chief of US intelligence just warned the US is under threat of a space attack
To make matters worse, Russian and Chinese anti-satellite (ASAT) capabilities are becoming increasi…
Ben Brimelow
US says Russia 'recklessly' destroyed a satellite with a missile, creating debris that could threaten the International Space Station
The test created 1,500 larger, trackable pieces of debris and hundreds of thousands of smaller piec…
Ryan Pickrell
India enters an elite club after scientists shoot down a low orbit satellite 300 km away in space
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi revealed that country's scientists shot down a low orbit sate…
Diplomatic Assertion: India Wants Equinet To End US Hegemony On Internet
Even the Indian government is aware that the country is home to the world’s biggest tech force tha…
Donald Trump is preparing for battles in outer space
US President Donald Trump just established the US Space Command to protect the country's interests …
Listen to these 7 powerful audio reactions to Brexit from around the world
There have been hot takes, speculation, and even some regret from voters, but it's hard to kno…
Seth Archer
China's reaction to Brexit has already put the entire world at risk
Britain has been a special member of the EU. It has not joined the eurozone, nor adopted the Scheng…