You Searched For "Stuxnet" and got 20 results
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The Stuxnet Attack On Iran's Nuclear Plant Was 'Far More Dangerous' Than Previously Thought
Given that the next attackers may not be nation-states, they may be much more likely to go after ci…
Michael Kelley
Here's How Cyber-Warfare Started And Where It's Going
Had Ms Zetter, a reporter at Wired, stopped at simply recounting this saga, "Countdown to Zero Day"…
America May Have Opened The Pandora's Box Of Cyberwarfare
And unlike the Stuxnet attackers, these adversaries are also much more likely to go after civilian …
A new film gives a frightening look at how the US used cyberwarfare to destroy nukes
It's not just interviews with cyber security experts and government officials, however. Gibney weav…
Paul Szoldra,Paul Szoldra,Pau…
'Obama's Favorite General' Stripped Of Security Clearance Amid Leak Investigation
It was also a further indignity for Cartwright, who turned 64 this week, and who was once an Obama …
Paul Szoldra
A Stuxnet-Like Virus Has Infected Hundreds Of US And European Energy Companies
"To target a whole sector like this at the level they are doing just for strategic data and control…
Michael B Kelley
The US government just tested its cyber weapons in a series of war games
The US military's cyber offensive capabilities have been the source of ongoing international debate…
Alastair Stevenson
The US could have destroyed Iran's entire infrastructure without dropping a single bomb
Nitro Zeus went much further than Stuxnet (the US codename was Olympic Games), giving the NSA the a…
Paul Szoldra,Paul Szoldra,Pau…
Obama reportedly directed the NSA to infect Russia with cyber weapons to cause 'pain'
Regardless, the US certainly has the capability to affect an adversary's physical world - the power…
Paul Szoldra
EXPERT: Internet For Our Kids To Be 'Fundamentally Less Awesome'
"There are big issues happening in the Internet itself and the governing of the Internet, and frank…
Someone is trying to take entire countries offline and cybersecurity experts say 'it's a matter of time because it's really easy'
The principle behind Stuxnet was simple: Like all software viruses, it copied and sent itself to as…
Jim Edwards
Iran now has one of the largest armies of hackers in the world - and the US is partly to blame
But Iran's biggest hack came in August 2012, when it broke into Saudi Arabia's state-owned oil comp…
Paul Szoldra,Paul Szoldra,Pau…
A defector says that North Korea's hacker army can destroy entire cities
Another claim made in the interview is that North Korea is working to develop its own malware based…
James Cook
Friends Today, Foe Tomorrow: 10 Technological Threats To Human Life
Technology has a tendency of captivating us, and exciting us, but also possibly destroying us, too.
A hack will kill someone within 10 years, and it may have already happened
Stuxnet isn't the only time we've seen a hack with potentially fatal consequences. In December 2015…
Rob Price
The Frightening Reality About How Easily Hackers Could Shut Down The US
The previous assertion of the Defense Science Board was that only state-sponsored hackers are capab…
The 9 scariest hacks of the last decade
But there at least a few incidents that truly stand out among the thousands of others. They are a b…
Paul Szoldra,Paul Szoldra,Pau…
Shutting America's Lights Out Is Much Easier Than Experts Once Thought
The previous assertion of the Defense Science Board was that only state-sponsored hackers are capab…
John Kerry gave a revealing answer on whether the US will help protect Iran's nuclear program from an Israeli cyber-attack
Of course, one of the most effective acts of geopolitical cyberwar in modern history was launched b…
Armin Rosen
The NSA cyberweapon auction is a total smokescreen - here's what's really going on
How messy? According to Snowden, the fully-leaked toolkit - which is from 2013 - could offer insigh…