You Searched For "Sponsor Post" and got 20 results
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Don't Miss The Last Chance To Enter The Webby Awards
Digital media leaders ranging from the curiously bizarre Tumblr "Kim Jong Il Looking at Things" to …
Business Insider
Mobile Media Summit Unites The Mobile Industry During Advertising Week
On September 23rd, the first day of Advertising Week in New York, the Mobile Media Summit will hold…
Sponsor Post
How One Business Kept Customers Updated During Hurricane Sandy
In the aftermath of Sandy, updating location information proved vital to keeping businesses running…
Sponsor Post
There's No Such Thing As A 'Digital Marketing Strategy' Anymore
The next horizon for marketers is mobile. As digital once was, mobile is sometimes treated as separ…
Sponsor Post
A Marketing Platform That Will Cure Your Multi-Channel Marketing Headaches
For example, let's say a customer logs onto an airline's web site. After the ticket purchase is com…
Sponsor Post
STUDY: Slow Video Delivery Will Doom Your Video Views
For more details from Conviva's study, including a look at top content sites that boast high levels…
How To Keep Your Small Business Expense Spending Under Control
When you give your employees an expense account, you trust that they won't blow a few thousand buck…
Think Your Site's Awesome? Submit It For A Webby Award To Win The Internet
Are you proud of your organization's digital work? Enter it into the 18th Annual Webby Awards and i…
Sponsor Post
REPORT: How Quickly Will Viewers Abandon A Poor Video Experience?
It's vital for online streaming companies to be thinking ahead about service outages and video qual…
Sponsor Post
Why Sharing Is The Best Way To Measure A Web Site's Value
For advertisers, the SQI can be a powerful targeting tool. When Wendy's, for instance, was promotin…
Sponsor Post
Your Video-Conference Setup Could Be Costing You Productivity
Design, quality, and user behavior are all video issues that executives might overlook. But those w…
INFOGRAPHIC: SAP Embraces A Mobile Mindset For Its Employees
Mobile solutions are one of the many services that SAP offers its enterprise clients. SAP has embra…
How To Outperform Experts With Creative Collaboration
Flexibility And Choice Standing-level tables can promote a democratic environment, as can surfac…
Big Data Is Finally Easy To Use Thanks To SAP
“Companies that have embraced the future have been rewarded,” CNBC’s Jim Cramer said on Mad Money, …
Business Insider
Bring Your Own Device Policies Are Changing The Way We Work Across The Globe
The way things are going, BYOD will only increase, especially in the Americas and Asia. This will h…
Leaders Need To Be Intentional About Company Culture
Certainly signs of high turnover or inability to fill key positions can be symptoms of a culture un…
Business Insider
Why Redesigning Your Workplace Could Improve Your Bottom Line
When office-furniture company Steelcase redesigned its offices, its goals were to increase collabor…
Why You'll Probably Never Hear The Words 'Out Of Stock' Again
Mobile apps are turning the retail industry on its head. Customer service, customer retention, pric…
How Startups Are Analyzing You On Social Networks and Protecting You At Airports
Krishnaswamy has combined NextPrinciples’ Insight-to-Action Social CRM and SAP HANA to gain unique …
Business Insider
How Rethinking Your Workplace Can Speed Innovation
Steelcase has been leading the charge when it comes to the importance of workplace design in drivin…