You Searched For "Somalia Parliament attack" and got 9 results
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Pentagon Confirms That The Head Of Africa's Largest Al Qaeda Affiliate Was Killed In A US Airstrike
Shabaab pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda in February of 2012. Since then, Shabaab has been repelled f…
Armin Rosen
A US drone strike has killed the mastermind of the Westgate Mall massacre
But Godane's death hasn't completley stopped Shabaab. Since then, the group has assassinated member…
Reuters,Armin Rosen
The Long Fight Against Al Shabaab Provides A Sobering Reminder About ISIS
Al Shabaab coalesced after the 2006 U.S.-backed Ethiopian invasion that overthrew the conservative-…
Armin Rosen
5 Parliament attacks across the globe that shook everyone
(Image: Reuters)
Trump's waging a phony war against the military-industrial complex
Trump implies military criticism of him is based on a desire to start more wars. But under his comm…
Charles Davis
This Funny World Map Shows What Every Country Leads The World In
"Myanmar leads the world in 'Speaking Burmese.' That's kind of a silly thing but still true," Anva…
Michael Kelley
Only Nixon could go to China, and maybe only Trump can end the war in Afghanistan
Of one thing, rest assured: Bad things will happen afterward. Afghans whom Americans are sympatheti…
Danny Sjursen, TomDispatch
LIVE: Obama Delivers A Big Speech Outlining His Foreign Policy
In Ukraine, Russia's recent actions recall the days when Soviet tanks rolled into Eastern Europe. B…
Brett LoGiurato
FULL TEXT: Theresa May's speech to the Republican 'Congress of Tomorrow' conference
CHANGE IN BRITAIN And a newly emboldened, confident America is good for the world. An Amer…