You Searched For "Roadmap To The Future" and got 20 results
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How This Bestselling Writer Is Changing The Rules Of The Publishing Industry
But here's the thing: Your question assumes that they had a choice to do the right thing or wrong t…
Dylan Love
This Is The Future Of The Facebook 'News Feed'
Instead of asking publishers to create and maintain Facebook Pages, one of Info D's missions is to …
How Robots Could Make Their Way Into The Classroom
"The potential is to increase the capability of very good teachers through these kind of platforms …
Megan Rose Dickey
30 Startup People To Watch This Year
We pulled together the 30 tech people we're most excited to follow this year. They're either rising…
Alyson Shontell,Megan Rose Di…
How Hugh Howey Wrote A Bestseller And Sold The Movie Rights With Nothing More Than A Laptop
HH: I would say access to bookstores, except that my print on demand CreateSpace books started show…
Dylan Love
7 Futuristic Gadgets That Will Change Your Life In 2013
This post is part of the Roadmap To The Future Series. Roadmap To The Future explores innovative in…
Dylan Love
Why One Insanely Successful Author Ditched Traditional Publishers And Went With Amazon Instead
TF: Depends on which party, I suppose. I view it as net positive. It will unearth gems and give c…
Dylan Love
How To Go Paperless And Become An Efficiency Monster
This post is part of the Roadmap To The Future Series. Roadmap To The Future explores innovative in…
Dylan Love
How Totally Paranoid People Stay Safe Online
This post is part of the Roadmap To The Future Series. Roadmap To The Future explores innovative in…
Dylan Love
Space Robots Aren't Even Close To Being As Capable As Humans
While sending robots to space is cheaper and less dangerous than sending humans, the future of spac…
Jennifer Welsh
Here's How Literary Agents Use Technology To Find The Next Great Authors
More than that, though, the same forces that have transformed the slush pile have transformed the e…
Dylan Love
Use This App To Make Moving As Easy As Ordering Dinner
Using the company's free app, you capture a video of your house and send it to them so they can bui…
Dylan Love
This Book Scanner Is Changing The Infrastructure Of Reading
In the meantime, the market will move to ever cheaper and more ephemeral forms of distribution, lik…
Dylan Love
Here's An Awesome Idea For Turning The New York City Subway Into An E-Book Library
Students from the Miami Ad School have put together an awesome video that demonstrates how New York…
Dylan Love
Now, You Can Predict The Future Just Like Nate Silver
“As that gets closer to the end, there are lots of people who know what’s up," Kodama says. "So som…
Megan Rose Dickey
What The Home Of The Future Will Look Like
A new non-profit group, the Internet of Things Consortium, recently formed with just that in mind. …
Megan Rose Dickey
10 Essential Gadgets For Road Warriors
This post is part of the Roadmap To The Future Series. Roadmap To The Future explores innovative in…
Megan Rose Dickey
The Best Apps To Organize Your Home
From inventory apps to souped-up to-do lists, these are the best apps for managing your household.W…
Dylan Love
8 Unlikely Uses For Your Favorite Apps
Here are eight interesting ways to get stuff done using an app that's designed for something comple…
Dylan Love
The Future Of Desktop Computing Will Only Cost You $80
Leap Motion had a lot of people going nuts when they saw it at the Consumer Electronics Show earlie…