You Searched For "Richard Koo" and got 20 results
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In One Powerful Paragraph, Richard Koo Explains How The Fed Is Causing Bubbles
Richard Koo is the primary believer in what people call a "balance sheet recession", a recession ca…
Richard Koo On Why Labor Tension In China Is Now Set To Explode
But Koo, in his note, comes down clearly on the side that says China is in urgent need of real stru…
Richard Koo Answers The Most Critical Question About The Western Economies: Is The Deleveraging Over?
During the bubble period towards the middle of Figure 1, much attention was paid to the fact that t…
Matthew Boesler
KOO: The Fed may be telling us something by characterizing the first rate hike as a 'liftoff'
"Given the importance of getting the timing right, the FOMC needs to be absolutely sure that tighte…
Sam Ro
The Massive Rally In Japanese Stocks Has Everyone Asking One Question
This time, however, the government is preparing two more initiatives to strike at the heart of the …
Sam Ro
China's economy faces a 'triple threat' - and one economist says the trade war is only part of the story
A large part of China's economic prowess comes from its ability to provide cheaper labor than other…
Ben Winck
RICHARD KOO: I Can't Find Anyone To Refute My Argument That America Is In A 'QE Trap'
In countries that do not engage in quantitative easing, meanwhile, the decline in long-term rates i…
Matthew Boesler
RICHARD KOO: Emerging Markets Are In For A 'Tumultuous New Era'
...the recent announcements would not have been necessary if these countries had taken advantage of…
Richard Koo's Explanation Of The Significance Of Tokyo Winning The Olympics Is Fascinating
There was a strong sense that the victorious bid was the result of efforts by "Team Japan." Instead…
RICHARD KOO: Forget Hyperinflation - The Fed Is Now Facing The True Cost Of Quantitative Easing
"Instead of falling back to 2.0% or lower following the Fed's decision to delay tapering, the 10-ye…
Matthew Boesler
Greece's bailout talks have been 'highly unrealistic' from the start
That's what the IMF is getting at when it says Greece's debt burden is unsustainable. It's also now…
Oscar Williams-Grut
Greece is starting to look like East Germany
At the time I was personally interested in a certain manufacturing concern in the city of Dresden, …
Oscar Williams-Grut
Japan's New Prime Minister Just Made One Of His Most Important Decisions In His Quest To Save The Economy
The other time I met him was at the Japan Dinner at Davos forum a number of years ago to which both…
11 People That Joe Scarborough Should Meet Before Writing Another Column On The Deficit
The article says: Paul Krugman favors running deeper deficits, but folks like the chief of the Coun…
The Collapse Of UK Manufacturing Is Astonishing
UK production peaked in about 2000 and held more or less steady for the six or seven years running …
Mike Bird
KOO: The US Is In A 'QE Trap' And Both The Markets And The Media Missing It
Markets and media unaware that US is in QE trap Nevertheless, it was easy enough to predict that …
The scariest reason China devalued the yuan in one chart
"Now that the nation's working-age population is starting to decline, the only way the economy can …
Linette Lopez
Barack Obama Is Kicking David Cameron's Butt When It Comes To Reducing The Deficit
This is, of course, all predictable to anyone who has read Richard Koo, who has pointed out numerou…
Let's Talk About The Harm That Simpson And Bowles Have Caused The Economy
Arguing need for longer-term fiscal consolidation is irresponsible The insistence that fiscal co…
George Will Writes Terribly Ignorant Argument In Favor Balanced Budget Amendment
Furthermore, requiring a balanced budget would incite creative bookkeeping that would make a mocker…