You Searched For "Math" and got 18 results
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They Just Released A New List Of The Best Countries At Math - And The Position Of The US Should Depress You
Today the OECD created a new ranking of the best countries at math, reading, and science. The posit…
Here's A Question About A Revolving Door That The Smartest Math Students In The World Are Capable Of Answering
Earlier we reported on new rankings from the OECD that showed the Asian nations obliterating everyo…
6 Math Problems That You Can Solve To Earn Thousands Of Dollars In Prize Money
The thing is, we don't actually understand them anywhere near as well as we should. Fluids are hard…
Walter Hickey
Amazing Video Shows How Beautifully Math Translates Into Life
A video titled "Beauty of Mathematics" from Yann Pineill and Nicolas Lefaucheux shows exactly how t…
The 'Monty Hall Problem': Your Guide To The Controversial Math Fact That Drives People Insane
If you didn't get it on the first go around, don't worry. Even Paul Erdos, one of the most respecte…
Walter Hickey
This Map Shows The States That Are Falling Behind The World In Math
In Massachusetts, according to the report, eighth graders are getting one of the best educations in…
Two Depressing Charts That Show Where US Students Score In Science And Math
On the PISA math test in 2009, the U.S. average score of 487 fell below the OECD average of 496. T…
Dina Spector
Here Are The Top Countries In Terms Of Reading, Science, And Math
The OECD is out with new global rankings of how students in various countries do in reading, scienc…
'I'm Not A Math Person' Is No Longer A Valid Excuse
Generally, people believe their learning ability works in one of two ways, according to research co…
Kelly Dickerson
The 10 Best Colleges For Math Whizzes
We teamed up with data website Find The Best to compile this list of the best colleges in the count…
The rise, fall, and return of adtech pioneer MediaMath
MediaMath's bankruptcy earlier this year was a stunning fall from grace. Under new ownership, it's …
Lara O'Reilly
'Boy math' explained: People are mocking embarrassing and shameful things men do and they're using the backwards logic of men to do it
Where girl math was mostly lighthearted jokes about indulgent spending, boy math has taken a sharpl…
Kieran Press-Reynolds
Just Watching A Man Run A Study Group Makes Women Worse At Math
The study included 133 women and 101 men in college. Each participant watched a short scripted vide…
Kelly Dickerson
Bill Gates says America has a math problem. Here are his three suggestions to help kids learn to love the subject like he does.
Bill Gates suggested three ways to make math more appealing for students after spending the day in …
Lakshmi Varanasi
Three American High Schoolers Swept An International Competition By Crushing These Math Problems
Three Phillips Exeter Academy students — Alex Song, Ray Y. Li, and Kevin C. Sun — shocked the world…
Walter Hickey
Here's How We Get From A Single Point To A Four-Dimensional Hyperspace
Just as the unit circle was a one-dimensional shape embedded in a two-dimensional plane, we can thi…
Andy Kiersz
Russell's Paradox: Here's Why Math Can't Have A Set Of Everything
The modern set theory axioms are very specific about how to build sets out of other sets. In partic…
Andy Kiersz
Your High-School Math Performance May Predict Your Future Salary
While the paper doesn't speculate about why higher achievement in math leads to increased earning p…