You Searched For "Mars Curiosity rover" and got 18 results
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Software Bug Stalls The Curiosity Rover
This is the second software hiccup in Curiosity's seven months on Mars. In late February, Curiosity…
Dina Spector
Explore Mars In Fine Detail With New Panoramic Images
You can see the images in either white-balanced, to make the rocks look as they would on Earth, or …
Jennifer Welsh
The Very First Pictures Of Mars At Night
"The purpose of acquiring observations under ultraviolet illumination was to look for fluorescent m…
Jennifer Welsh
NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover just sent back a stunning new selfie from the red planet
The rover has climbed a little over 1,100 feet since it landed in 2012. Plans are for the rover to …
Kevin Loria
Curiosity Made A Tiny Hole On Mars
They are still prepping for a full on drilling, which will extract rock dust from the inside of a M…
Jennifer Welsh
NASA's nuclear-powered Mars rover took an amazing selfie during an intense global dust storm
NASA is also working on its giant Space Launch System, and one of the planned versions might send a…
Dave Mosher
Curiosity Taps Into Its First Martian Rock, Which May Have Once Held Water
This small dent is just a warm-up for the first full drilling on Mars in history. Curiosity's drill…
Dina Spector
The case for alien life on Mars just got stronger, thanks to NASA's Curiosity Rover
Temperatures on Mars fluctuate between around 67 degrees Fahrenheit at their highest to −243 degree…
Hilary Brueck
NASA scientists have to wear red-blue 3D glasses to pilot the Mars Curiosity rover because their advanced goggles don't work from home
The pilots of Curiosity normally rely on using special 3D goggles to look at the landscape around C…
Isobel Asher Hamilton
The Mars Rover Curiosity Has Finally Arrived At Her Destination
During the trip and at the Murray Foundation, scientists hope to find more rocks like the one below…
Ajai Raj
Curiosity Prepares For Its Biggest Engineering Task Since Landing On Mars
Curiosity will drive up to the rock within the next few days. The first powdered samples that the r…
Dina Spector
How the discovery of liquid water on Mars could change the Curiosity rover's mission
The problem is that Curiosity has been on the Martian surface for over 3 years, so no one knows if …
Jessica Orwig
9 years into its Mars mission, NASA's Curiosity rover is rewriting the story of how the planet's water disappeared
NASA just landed a new rover on Mars, but the old one is still climbing a mountain and unearthing t…
Morgan McFall-Johnsen
The Mars Rover Came To Dinner Last Night
I gather that because a replica of the Mars Rover was parked in the lobby of the museum during the …
The Next Rover To Explore Mars Will Send Samples Back To Earth
Scientists have learned from Curiosity that Mars once had an environment that was potentially habit…
Dina Spector
The Mars Curiosity Rover Has A Hole In Her Tire
As Lakadawalla points out on her blog, Curiosity doesn't need perfectly round wheels to move around…
Dina Spector
NASA's laser-shooting Mars rover can now choose its own targets
"This autonomy is particularly useful at times when getting the science team in the loop is difficu…
Ali Sundermier
NASA has captured an aerial shot of the Curiosity rover scaling Mont Mercou on Mars
A shot of Curiosity was captured on a terrene known as Mont Mercou, which sits on the northern frin…