
You Searched For "Labor ministery" and got 5 results

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Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

Perks of the trade: India may double or triple minimum monthly pension

As per the committee, the existing minimum pension of ₹1,000 per month should be immediately rai…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

Netanyahu is the clear winner in Israel's election

The vote wasn't a total loss for the Zionist Union, though. In the last election in early 2013, the…

Armin Rosen   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
4 mins read

The President of China sounds like Ronald Reagan

That's exactly how Xi does not want you to think. While the Chinese government has enacted some pol…

Linette Lopez   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
18 mins read

How a Chinese region that accounts for just 1.5% of the population became a testing ground for the most intrusive police state in the world

"This strong rise in 2017 [arrests] is consistent with all the other securitization measures, inclu…

Tara Francis Chan   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
19 mins read

'A CITY LOST IN THE DESERT': A visit to the Sahara's uranium capital

Jelawi distributed statements to the city's radio stations and organized Arlit's women to demonstra…

Armin Rosen