You Searched For "Internet Addiction" and got 19 results
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Female, 40, With Grown Kids? Don’t Fall For The Deadly Web
Internet Addiction Disorder or IAD is not recognised as a medical condition in India. Even the late…
4 men who ran an internet addiction camp have reportedly been sentenced to prison after they locked children in solitary confinement for up to 10 days
Internet addiction was classified as a clinical disorder in China in 2008, leading to a rise in det…
Avery Hartmans
Here's Why Internet Addiction Is A Real Concern
In other words, there's no perfect way to moderate the usage of something as ubiquitous as the inte…
Lauren F Friedman
An eye doctor breaks down how digital addiction can hurt you
Developing a compulsive need to use your digital devices, even if it interferes with your life a…
Study: 420 Million People Around The World Are Addicted To The Internet
According to the authors of the study, which was published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social…
Maya Kosoff
Korea's internet addiction crisis is getting worse, as teens spend up to 88 hours a week gaming
In 2011, the government passed the "Cinderella Act," commonly known as the "Shutdown Law," which pr…
Japan To Introduce Internet 'Fasting Camps' For Addicted Kids
Torihiko Wakasugi of Tokyo, Japan, looks at the new Dell XPS 600 Renegade, a computer for extreme g…
Julian Ryall, The Telegraph
The Incredible Story Of How One Couple Let Their Child Die Because They Were Addicted To The Internet
The new HBO documentary "Love Child" narrates the story of a South Korean couple's internet addicti…
Maya Kosoff
Step Inside A Chinese Boot Camp For Teens Who Are Addicted To The Internet [PHOTOS]
Parents can elect to send their children to these camps, where they undergo psychological examinati…
Madeline Stone
A Chinese Couple Reportedly Sold Their Two Children To Fund Their Internet Gaming Addictions
Internet addiction is a problem with fatal consequences. Late last year, another Chinese couple all…
Maya Kosoff
A teenager in China cut his hand off to cure his 'addiction' to the internet
The boy is one of an estimated 24 million young people in China who are addicted to the internet. M…
Joshua Barrie
This 'Jealous' Robotic Toaster Goes Online To Find A New Home If You Don't Use It Enough
[This] is a glimpse into a bizarro near-future, one where the internet of things leads not to harmo…
Dylan Love
Chinese Gamer Has Spent The Past 6 Years In An Internet Cafe
A 2010 Wired Magazine story focused on a Chinese camp designed to cure children of internet addicti…
Adam Taylor
Italy wants to treat phone addicts like drug addicts and send teens to rehab
Przbylski is skeptical of much of the science and media buzz that surrounds studies about phone or …
Isobel Asher Hamilton,Isobel …
Man Treated For Google Glass Addiction After Wearing Headset 18 Hours A Day
At the end of the patient's 35-day stay at treatment center, the man noted "a reduction in irritabi…
Steven Tweedie
Smartphone Addiction Now Has A Clinical Name
"It is undeniable that technology through new social media, social network sites, social informatic…
Madeline Stone
Werner Herzog takes on internet addiction in the trailer for his meditative new movie
Having its world premiere at this month's Sundance Film Festival, the documentary, according to its…
Jason Guerrasio
A US senator has introduced a bill that would stop Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube from endlessly showing you content, in an attempt to keep users from getting addicted to social media
Along with new restrictions on how content is displayed, the Social Media Addiction Reduction Techn…
Kevin Webb
Snubbing loved ones and bumping into people on the streets - how our internet addiction is spiralling out of control
Another 59% have tablets, while 5% have a smartwatch. 4G is nearly a right of passage - accounting …