
You Searched For "Diet soda" and got 20 results

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5 mins read

All the ways that diet soda is unhealthy for you and what to drink instead

While many studies link diet soda to poor health and serious health conditions, experts agree more …

Ashley Laderer   

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4 mins read

A YouTuber quit drinking diet soda for 109 days and found he craved less sugar than ever

Joel Wood went from drinking 2 liters of diet soda a day to giving it up. After 109 days, he became…

Gabby Landsverk   

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4 mins read

A professor of medicine explains why he hasn't quit diet soda - but never drinks the regular kind

Observational studies follow large groups of people over long periods of time and don't control for…

Erin Brodwin   

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6 mins read

One of the most popular beverages in America is becoming extinct

The US is turning against sugar-packed sodas, with nutrition advocate rallying against Pepsi and Co…

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3 mins read

What drinking diet does to your body and brain

In the early 1960s, a new kind of beverage took the stage.It wasn't a new shape, or color, or fl…

Gina Echevarria,Jordan Bowman   

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2 mins read

Mixing Booze With Diet Soda Gets You Drunker, Faster

"If you haven't eaten before you start drinking, your blood sugar will go down. And then if you use…

Jennifer Welsh   

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3 mins read

Diet Soda Could Actually Be Worse For You Than The Regular Stuff

But our bodies cannot metabolize sucralose. It just passes through us. This is its charm— and its p…

Robert Ferris   

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2 mins read

Aspartame is a 'possible carcinogen.' But unless you're drinking more than 14 cans of soda a day, you probably don't need to worry.

Aspartame is commonly used as a sweetener in products like diet soda and gum, including Diet Coke, …

Serafina Kenny   

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2 mins read

Pepsi is starting to give up on soda

Aspartame is generally known for having an artificial taste, while sucralose, which is widely known…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

Flight attendants don't really want you to stop ordering Diet Coke

"Of all the drinks we serve, Diet Coke takes the most time to pour - the fizz takes forever to sett…

Rachel Gillett   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
2 mins read

Millennials almost killed Diet Coke - now they're fueling its turnaround

Marketing has also been aimed at millennials, with a Super Bowl ad that was originally designed for…

Kate Taylor   

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3 mins read

Here's Why Coke Life And Pepsi NEXT Will Never Take Off In The US

As the name suggests, these products contain fewer calories than a regular can of soda. For example…

Katie Jennings   

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3 mins read

Trump's bizarre obsession with Diet Coke reveals a major problem facing the soda giant

"Diet CSD [carbonated soft drinks] sales were supposed to be the solution to the industry's calorie…

Kate Taylor   

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1 min read

A Lot Of People Hate Diet Coke's New 'Skinny' Vending Machine

In 2011, Diet Pepsi released its 'skinny can,' a "taller, sassier" design that riled the blogospher…

Dominic Green   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

People hate the new Diet Pepsi - and the company might make some major changes to fix that

Diet sodas once seemed like the future of soda giants, eager to serve consumers who are i…

Katherine Taylor   

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2 mins read

Pepsi surpasses Diet Coke in huge soda shift

"Consumer's attitudes towards sweeteners have really changed," said Howard Telford, an industry ana…

Hayley Peterson   

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2 mins read

Coca-Cola says millennials are decimating sales of Diet Coke - and now it's going to war

The sleek cans and new flavors, such as Feisty Cherry and Twisted Mango, aim for a trendier drinker…

Kate Taylor   

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3 mins read

Coke and Pepsi are relying on an unexpected group to boost sales

It is no secret that the soda industry targets black and Latino communities. But according to Niels…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

Why notorious diet soda sweetener aspartame is perfectly safe

Besides the concerns about cancer, some people have claimed reactions to aspartame including headac…

Ellie Kincaid   

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4 mins read

There's a major problem with what you've heard about the link between dementia and sugary drinks

In many cases, a link that researchers observe between two things is later found to be caused by an…

Erin Brodwin