You Searched For "Coronavirus App" and got 18 results
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UK rejects Google and Apple's Coronavirus tracking app framework
Despite privacy and security concerns, NHSX, the digital arm of the country's health organisatio…
The Iranian government released an official coronavirus app for Iranians, but Google pulled it from its app store
Featured Digital Health Articles: - Telehealth Industry: Benefits, Services & Examples - Valu…
Ben Gilbert
How to download and use Aarogya Setu Coronavirus tracking app
Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his speech on April 14 urged the people to download the Aarogya…
Apple is reportedly rejecting all coronavirus-related apps unless they come from health organizations in an attempt to prevent the spread of misinformation
Featured Digital Health Articles: - Telehealth Industry: Benefits, Services & Examples - Valu…
Tyler Sonnemaker,Ben Gilbert
How to use IFCN’s WhatsApp fact checker to fight Coronavirus misinformation
The Coronavirus pandemic has disrupted life across the world and over 3.6 million people have been …
Airtel launches Coronavirus risk assessment tool, here’s how to use it
Airtel has partnered with the Apollo Hospitals Group to help its users stay safe during the Coronav…
UK to pilot coronavirus contact tracing smartphone app
London, May 4 () The UK government on Monday announced that after hitting its testing target for co…
Chinese tech giant Baidu has made a maps app that shows the location of coronavirus patients
Chinese tech news site Abacus reported on Friday that Baidu had built a special "epidemic map" for …
Isobel Asher Hamilton
Coronavirus is the new clickbait — Here’s how to keep it from infecting your machines
The Coronavirus pandemic reaches most corners of the world. More people are browsing the net and st…
WhatsApp limits message forwards to one chat at a time
Facebook-owned WhatsApp has imposed additional restrictions on how frequently a particular message …
The wildly popular simulation game 'Plague Inc' has been pulled from the iPhone's Chinese app store amid the ongoing coronavirus crisis in China
"Whenever there is an outbreak of disease we see an increase in players, as people seek to find out…
Ben Gilbert
Delhi Govt launches COVID-19 helpline on WhatsApp
"The Delhi government is happy to partner with WhatsApp to establish a dedicated Coronavirus helpli…
An official government mobile phone app could soon track millions of people in the UK in order prevent a second wave of coronavirus infections
The Health Secretary Matt Hancock will launch a trial version of the app on Monday.
Adam Payne
WhatsApp launches coronavirus info hub, donates USD 1 mn to International Fact-Checking Network
As coronavirus cases continue to rise globally -- infecting over 1,98,000 people and claiming more…
China's coronavirus lockdown is economically terrible for almost everyone except delivery, news, and gaming apps
While it is usual for gaming to see a surge during the Lunar New Year holiday period, it was compou…
Isobel Asher Hamilton
Apple just released a COVID-19 app backed by the CDC that tells you whether to quarantine or get tested - here's how it works
Apple's COVID-19 app is one of the first widely-released products resulting from the federal govern…
Aaron Holmes
The World Health Organization has launched a WhatsApp chatbot to warn people about the coronavirus' dangers
It's one of a number of steps Facebook is taking to try and promote reliable information about COVI…
Rob Price
These 10 graphs show how iPhone downloads have changed as the coronavirus spreads
As of Monday, COVID-19, the coronavirus disease, has infected more than 367,000 people worldwide, a…