You Searched For "BusinessWeek" and got 20 results
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People Are Howling About The $1 Billion Price BusinessWeek Made Up For Amazon's Goodreads Acquisition
In essence, the writer, Kyle Stock, tried to find comparables in recent IPOs and private financings…
Owen Thomas
Bloomberg Businessweek Made A GIF Cover For Its Feature Story On Hot New App, Snapchat
Bloomberg Businessweek, which is known for its amazing magazine covers, currently has a .GIF versio…
Julia La Roche
The new cover of Businessweek is literally bearish
And while of course it remains to be seen whether US stocks have reached their nadir, anybody who w…
Myles Udland
Bloomberg Businessweek Premiers Its Made-For-Netflix Hank Paulson Documentary This Week
Then there's the fact that Michael Bloomberg himself will be sitting on a panel with Paulson at the…
Linette Lopez
Businessweek: Code Of Silence Prevailed At GM Over Flaws
The pair tell the story of Courtland Kelley, a 30-year GM employee and former head of the firm's na…
Rob Wile
The new cover of Businessweek is a Chipotle burrito - vomiting
On Tuesday, JP Morgan analyst John Ivankoe downgraded the stock to "Neutral" from "Overweight" citi…
Myles Udland
The Story Behind An Awesome Photo Of Apple's Executives
The photo it went with is below. The picture sums up everything you need to know about Apple and Ti…
Bloomberg Businessweek hires a new editor, shakes up top management
According to three people at Bloomberg, Bloomberg Markets magazine editor Joel Weber will take over…
Maxwell Tani
MICHAEL LEWIS: Wall Street Is Still A Great Place For Kids That Don't Actually Know Anything
Lewis: My sense is that even though the financial crisis has lessened the appeal of the big Wall St…
Steven Perlberg
Here's Bloomberg Businessweek's Cover About How Samsung Became The King Of Smartphones
Bloomberg Businessweek's cover story this week is all about the rise of Samsung. Here's a sneak pee…
Businessweek Cover Shows Macs Are More Mainstream Than PCs
It makes sense, too. PC sales are going down the tube as customers choose to buy cheaper smartphone…
This US Veteran Created A Wheelchair That's Built Like A Tank
Soden, who never went to college or studied engineering, builds tankchairs with the singular focus …
Jeremy Bender
Bloomberg Businessweek Put Piketty On The Cover Of A Teen Girl Magazine
True, Piketty is the it-boy of economics right now thanks to his book on inequality, Capital in the…
Linette Lopez
Bloomberg Businessweek's Cover On David Einhorn's War With Apple Is Pretty Awesome Looking
That's a pretty clever cover of Bloomberg Businessweek for a story about his battle to get Apple to…
The New Bloomberg Businessweek Cover Does Bitcoin, And It's Literally Fantastic
This week's Bloomberg Businessweek cover story features Bloomberg's Ashlee Vance and Brad Stone cov…
Rob Wile
Bloomberg Businessweek Makes Booz Allen Hamilton Look Totally Evil
Booz Allen was the firm that Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency whistleblower, worked for…
Julia La Roche
Bloomberg Businessweek Makes Booz Allen Hamilton Look Totally Evil
Booz Allen was the firm that Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency whistleblower, worked for…
Julia La Roche
Shopify CEO says he'd be fine with Amazon launching a direct rival to his company
"If they knock it out of the park … I actually accomplished my mission," Shopify CEO Tobi Lütke tol…
Tim Levin
Some workers are returning to the office — to drop off their kids and go back home
On-site daycare centers not only help attract and retain talent for top firms, they also strengthen…
Dominick Reuter
A Former Lehman Brothers Employee Describes How Crazy The Trading Floor Was On That Fateful Day
Sometime around Sunday, 4 o'clock or 5 o'clock, we started getting e-mails saying the deal is dead:…