You Searched For "Aaron Swartz" and got 20 results
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Here's The MIT Surveillance Video That Got Aaron Swartz Arrested
Aaron Swartz was a programmer and activist prior to his death in January. He was notably tied up in…
Dylan Love
MIT Concludes It Did Nothing Improper In Case Of Internet Activist's Aaron Swartz's Suicide - Swartz's Girlfriend Calls 'BS'
Here are the facts: This report claims that MIT was “neutral” -- but MIT’s lawyers gave prosecutors…
Alyson Shontell
MIT Is Investigating Its Role In Aaron Swartz's Suicide
I will not attempt to summarize here the complex events of the past two years. Now is a time for ev…
Owen Thomas
Aaron Swartz's Father Says His Son Was 'Killed By The Government'
The comment was directed at U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz and Stephen Heymann, who were leading the ch…
Alyson Shontell
Did The Federal Prosecutors Treat Aaron Swartz Too Harshly?
Swartz's other option, meanwhile, was defending himself. Although Swartz's lawyer believes he had a…
Family Of Aaron Swartz Blames MIT, Prosecutors For His Death
Aaron’s commitment to social justice was profound, and defined his life. He was instrumental to the…
Owen Thomas
Irreverent Hacker's Jail Cell Amplifies His Activism
Auernheimer has remained unapologetic about the offense, telling Business Insider that all he did w…
Michael Kelley
There's A New Documentary On The Tragic Story Of Reddit Co-founder Aaron Swartz
The movie delves into how he organized the tech industry to fight a bill in Congress called SOPA. S…
Aaron Swartz's Death Is A Tragedy - And There Are Some Questions That Need To Be Answered
In 2011, Swartz was charged with multiple felonies after downloading millions of academic papers fr…
26-Year-Old Reddit Cofounder Aaron Swartz Has Died
It is a fundamental law of nature that to evolve one has to push one’s limits, which is painful, in…
Alyson Shontell
The American Library Association Has Given Aaron Swartz Its First Ever Posthumous Award
"We are honored for Aaron to become the first person to win the James Madison Award posthumously. L…
Julie Bort
Aaron Swartz's Girlfriend Accuses MIT Of Dragging Its Feet On Investigating His Suicide
But since then I have become less hopeful. I fear that the investigation will instead be in the spi…
Owen Thomas
Aaron Swartz's Girlfriend Has A Damning Theory About The Young Reddit Co-Founder's Suicide
...I believe Aaron’s death was caused by exhaustion, by fear, and by uncertainty. I believe that Aa…
Alyson Shontell
Carmen Ortiz, The Attorney Aaron Swartz' Father Indirectly Blamed For His Son's Death, Has Issued A Statement
I must, however, make clear that this office’s conduct was appropriate in bringing and handling thi…
Alyson Shontell
16,000 People Are Asking President Obama To Fire Aaron Swartz's Prosecutor
It is too late to do anything for Aaron Swartz, but [those] who used the powers granted to them by …
Julie Bort
26-Year-Old Suicide Victim Aaron Schwartz Was Shamefully Bullied By The Government
Click here to read Lessig's post >>
Lawrence Lessig, Lessig Blog
How The World Is Remembering A 'Hugely Important Internet Voice,' Aaron Swartz
Aaron was a terrific young man. He contributed a lot to the world in his short life and I regret th…
Kevin Smith
Aaron Swartz's Prosecutors Are Getting Creepy Threats
Jack W. Pirozzolo, an assistant U.S. attorney for Massachusetts, revealed a deeply unsettling postc…
Rebecca Baird-Remba
Feds Asked Aaron Swartz's Friends About His 'Guerilla Open Access Manifesto,' A Call For Liberating Data From Private Hands
Swartz was the author of the “Guerrilla Open Access Manifesto,” which called for information to be …
Jim Edwards
Swartz's Father Speaks Out: 'MIT Played A Central Role In Aaron's Suicide'
Having said all that, we are encouraged by MIT President Raphael Reif’s desire to ensure that some …