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Top Apple Blogger Says Latest Change To App Store Is Going To Be A 'Pain In The [Rear]' For Developers

Jan 10, 2013, 21:48 IST

NBCApple just closed a loophole scammers were using to trick iPhone and iPad users. That's good news.


The bad news, according to top Apple blogger Jon Gruber, is that the change is going to be a "pain in the [rear]," for legitimate developers.

Here's how scammy developers were tricking iPhone and iPad users, according to Panic blog, which first discovered the problem:

  • A scammy developer submits a simple, boring app to Apple for inclusion in the app store.
  • As a part of the application, this developer would include accurate screenshots of their app. These screenshots end up on the app's iTunes page.
  • Then, after Apple approved the app, the developer would go back and change the screenshots to make the app look much cooler than it actually is.
  • Users download the app – sometimes paying the scammy developer, sometimes looking at ads the scammy developer sells.

To fix this problem, Apple just changed its policy. Now, changes to app descriptions and screenshots used in iTunes pages have to be approved by Apple.

Top Apple blogger Jon Gruber seems to approve of this change, but says it is "worth noting," that "this change is a pain in the ass for legitimate developers — any change to your app’s screenshots now requires a full submission/review process."


He links to app developer David Barnard, who complains on Twitter: "So, the bad apples in the App Store once again make it harder on the rest of us. Thanks! [I do think it’ll help, just wish it wasn’t needed]"

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