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Tom Brady Says The NFL Has Not Spoken To Him About The Deflated Balls Yet

Jan 23, 2015, 03:38 IST

It has been four days since the NFL discovered that the New England Patriots were using underinflated balls during their AFC Championship game win over the Indianapolis Colts and yet according to Tom Brady, the NFL has yet to speak to him about what happened.


While meeting with the media, Brady was asked if the league has spoken with him or contacted him at all to get his side of the story.

"No, you know, they may," Brady told the media. "I think obviously that is their choice."

When pressed further, Brady would only say "they might" and when asked if he has been told the NFL wants to speak with him, he would only say "I'm not sure."

This is a bizarre revelation considering the magnitude of the scandal, how it impacts the league's most important game, and how many in and around the NFL are pointing their finger directly at Brady.


Considering the criticism the NFL and Roger Goodell have taken for how they have handled other scandals, this seems like an odd twist to an already odd story.

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