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To Understand Why Men Need Women, Just Look At Bill Gates

Alyson Shontell   

To Understand Why Men Need Women, Just Look At Bill Gates

Men need women in their lives, and not just for biological reasons. According to a new study reported by The New York Times' Opinion section, women make men more generous.

The researchers found that when male executives have families, they stop paying employees as much. It's a subconscious decision that helps them hoard more for themselves to better provide for their families. However if they father a daughter rather than a son, then employee salaries take no hit.

Another study by a psychologist in Amersterdam also found that women make men less greedy. Participants were asked to give either $10 or $30 to a stranger they'd never see again but keep $25 or $20 respectively. Those who chose the less selfish option were 40% more likely to have sisters. Having brothers made no difference.

Wharton professor Adam Grant wrote about the studies in The New York Times and used Bill Gates to exemplify the findings.

While Bill Gates is now well known for his generosity and philanthropy, there was a time when he wasn't as inclined to share his wealth. That all changed when he had a daughter.

Grant writes:

Twenty years ago, when Bill Gates was on his way to becoming the world’s richest man, he rejected advice to set up a charitable foundation. He planned to wait a quarter-century before he started giving his money away, but changed his mind the following year. Just three years later, Mr. Gates ranked third on Fortune’s list of the most generous philanthropists in America. In between, he welcomed his first child: a daughter.

Gates has acknowledged the influence his wife and mother have had on him over the years. Just before marrying Melinda, Gates' mother wrote to the couple: “From those to whom much is given, much is expected.” It resonated and Gates later cited his mother's encouragement to give in a Harvard commencement speech.

And if anyone knows the power of a woman's presence, it's Melinda Gates. Grant cites a CNN article about charity dinners the couple hosts. In it, Gates discussed the importance of having women attend the dinners alongside their billionaire husbands. "Even if he’s the one that made the money, she’s going to be a real gatekeeper," Gates said. "And she’s got to go along with any philanthropic plan because it affects her and it affects their kids."


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