"I've never seen hatred like this. To me, they're not even people. It's so, so sad, I mean, morality is just gone," Trump said.
"You see the Democratic Party: they're imploding," Trump argued. "They have no message."
Trump emphasized what he believed to be the origins of the Democratic Party's ire: "They lost the election that they should have won because they spent seven times the amount of money that my father spent," said Trump. "They try and obstruct a great man."
Trump took another at what he described as the nation's moral compass: "The lack of morals in society is awful," said Trump. "I blame most of these politicians and I blame the media because it's out of control. And honestly, it's because the Democratic Party is sinking."
Trump said of his father's dissenters: "They would rather see him fail than have America succeed. That's the ugliness of Washington D.C."
Watch portions his interview below:
.@EricTrump: "You see the Democratic Party, they are imploding...they have no message." #Hannity pic.twitter.com/RmUPvFI1tM
- Fox News (@FoxNews) June 7, 2017
.@EricTrump: "We don't have projects in Russia, we don't have loans from Russia...We had no involvement in Russia." #Hannity pic.twitter.com/waIAQHrgvC
- Fox News (@FoxNews) June 7, 2017
.@EricTrump: "They would rather see him fail than have America succeed...that's the ugliness of Washington, DC." #Hannity pic.twitter.com/9PkzwXlCCH
- Fox News (@FoxNews) June 7, 2017