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Tiny Apartment Dwellers Will Love This Coffee Table That Converts To A Kitchen Table In Seconds

Jan 7, 2014, 04:38 IST

This is the MK1 Transforming Coffee Table from Duffy London.


Why We Love It: This gorgeous, functional table is perfect for anyone with a small apartment (first discovered via Reddit user ameangreenbean). The innovative design transforms in seconds with two simple movements from a 14-inch-tall by 29-inch-wide coffee table to a 2 1/2-foot-tall dining table measuring 4 1/2 feet across.

The handmade table comes in your choice of steel or wood, including solid oak, ash or walnut, and is the perfect space-saving solution for tiny homes.

Here it is in coffee table form.

Duffy London

And here it is after being extended into the kitchen table.


Duffy London

It's incredibly simple to transform.

Duffy London

Watch a GIF of it in action below:


Where To Buy: Available through Duffy London.


Cost: $1,300 for a wood version, $1,480 for the steel table.

Want to nominate a cool product for Stuff We Love? Send an email to Megan Willett at mwillett@businessinsider.com with "Stuff We Love" in the subject line.

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