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Tim Cook Just Gave Apple Retail Employees The Best Compliment Ever

Feb 12, 2013, 23:14 IST

Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty ImagesApple CEO Tim Cook just gave Apple's retail employees a healthy dose of praise at the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet conference.


In touting how there's no better place to discover, explore, and learn about Apple products than in the retail store, he gave a nice shout-out to the people who make it possible.

"Our team members there are the most amazing, awesome, incredible people on earth," Cook said. "It's the best retail experience. It's a retail experience where you walk in and you instantly realize this store is not here for the purpose of selling, it's here for the purpose of serving."

For example, the Genius Bar is there to help you get more out of your Apple product, Cook says.

"I'm not even sure store is the right word anymore," Cook said. "They are the face of Apple for almost all of our customers."


Of Apple's 43,000 U.S. employees, 30,000 work at its retail stores.

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