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Tim Allen: Hollywood is 'hypocritical' for calling Trump a 'bully'

Tim Allen: Hollywood is 'hypocritical' for calling Trump a 'bully'


Fox News

Tim Allen on "The Kelly File."

Tim Allen went on Fox News' "The Kelly File" on Monday night and brought a different perspective to the election of Donald Trump than most in Hollywood.

The star of ABC's "Last Man Standing" (still best known for hit '90s sitcom "Home Improvement") touched on what he calls the "hypocritical" talk that comes out of the entertainment world about the president-elect.

"What I find odd in Hollywood is that they didn't like Trump because he was a bully," Allen said. "But if you had any kind of inkling that you were for Trump, you got bullied for doing that. And it gets a little bit hypocritical to me."

Allen noted to "Kelly File" host Megyn Kelly that he's not a spokesman for Hollywood, he's a comedian, and being a comic he's "really an anarchist."

"As a comedian, I don't want anyone to tell me what to do. Period," he said.

Allen, who plays a conservative on his show and is one in real life (he told Kelly back in February he was supporting John Kasich), did point out that though he wasn't for people being bullied for supporting Trump, he also isn't "defending the guy."

"To me, he acts like a new talent comedian," Allen said of Trump. "These are guys that have great material that have very bad comedy timing. And he's got terrible timing."

Watch Allen on "The Kelly File" below:

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