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Tiger Woods Is A Hardcore Golf Nerd Who Is Obsessed With The Game

Tiger Woods Is A Hardcore Golf Nerd Who Is Obsessed With The Game

tiger woods smiling

Andrew Redington/Getty Images

Tiger Woods is completely obsessed with golf, says fellow pro and U.S. Open champion Geoff Ogilvy.

Ogilvy was on the State of The Game podcast, doing a preview of the forthcoming Open Championship.

Eventually talk turned to Tiger and he said, "He's a student of the game. You know when he's not playing, he's at home watching the game. He reads golf books. He really is into golf," later adding, "He is really just a golf nerd. He just loves golf, he loves everything about it. All he thinks about is golf, really."

From the perspective of a weekend hacker that's really into the game, this pretty neat.

A lot of professional athletes play because it's how they make money. They stop loving the game because it's work.

It's nice to know that Woods still loves golf and dorks out over it like the rest of us.
Here's Ogilvy's full comment:

He's a student of the game. You know when he's not playing, he's at home watching the game. He reads golf books. He really is into golf. Because when you actually ask him a real question and he has a moment of weakness and actually answers the question he is actually quite insightful and pretty impressive.


He's always been pretty good with me. I think if you get inside the ropes and you prove yourself to be not dangerous to talk to ... I guess, I don't know in Tiger's world. I don't know, he's been really great to me. We've had great chats about golf, about golf courses, he is just a student of the game is a bit of strange comment. He is really just a golf nerd. He just loves golf, he loves everything about it. All he thinks about is golf, really. Mostly, anyway. He has his moments where he doesn't obviously. He just loves the game. If you hit a shot, or someone in your group hits a shot, or you mention something that happened the week before, someone hit a crazy shot over a tree or a great chip shot, all he wants to do is "what do you work on when you chip?" or "what do you think that guy does when he's hitting his four iron?" He just loves golf, he loves golf courses, he always wants to talk about the golf courses in Melbourne. He obviously has a massive passion for coming to Scotland and the UK, and playing the British Open, it's his favorite tournament. He's fantastic.


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