scorecardThree charts that explain how Indians feel about the future of technology
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Three charts that explain how Indians feel about the future of technology

​Does technology make life better?

Three charts that explain how Indians feel about the future of technology

​How much of your job could a robot do?

​How much of your job could a robot do?

Indians are aware that the introduction of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace will mean that certain jobs may be jeopardized. Half of them even admit that their own job could be mostly automated.

But, they also believe that since India is a growing economy, the opportunities will come.

​Would it be difficult to get another job tomorrow?

​Would it be difficult to get another job tomorrow?

Despite the cloud of unemployment currently hanging over the Indian economy, Indians feel that it will not be difficult to look for a new job if they were replaced with technology at their current office.

37% of the respondents feel that it will be ‘extremely easy’ to find a new job, while 29% feel it will be ‘somewhat easy’.

A mere 2% of Indians feel that it will be ‘somewhat difficult’ to find a new job.

In comparison, people in other parts of the world feel that finding a new job will be ‘somewhat difficult’ in the double digits.

