Teach for America was viewed as an ideal employer by many humanities, liberal arts, and education students.
- Employer branding specialists Universum just released their annual rankings of the most attractive employers in the US for 2019.
- Among students in the humanities, liberal arts, and education, several publishers and government institutions were viewed as ideal employers.
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Students in the humanities, liberal arts, and education who are getting ready to enter the workforce see several publishers and government institutions as ideal employers.
Employer branding specialists Universum have just released their annual rankings of the most attractive employers in the US for 2019. Universum runs a massive annual survey of tens of thousands of students from hundreds of universities, asking them what they look for when considering their future employers.
The most attractive employer rankings are based on a question asking respondents in different areas of study to list up to five ideal employers - the organizations and firms that they most want to work for. The top companies and institutions have an outsized share of potential future employees that view them as great places to work.
Here are the 40 companies and organizations with the highest shares of students in the humanities, liberal arts, and education naming them as ideal employers: