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This YouTube makeup artist has created the most incredible Disney makeup transformations

Aug 19, 2015, 21:04 IST


YouTube may be chock full of make-up tutorials, but no one does transformations quite like rising star Promise Phan.

Phan is the sister-in-law of fellow beauty guru Michelle Phan and has nearly 4 million subscribers between her two YouTube channels, dope2111 and Promise Phan.

While she has plenty of tutorials about cute everyday makeup, what she's really known for are her incredible Hollywood looks, from celebs to cartoons characters.

The Nepal-born Phan can look like anyone: Kim Kardashian, Demi Lovato, Rihanna, and even Disney princesses. Using wigs and her massive makeup collection, the 26-year-old renders herself virtually unrecognizable.


Keep reading to see some of her most magical looks.

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