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This Rolls-Royce feature might be the world's fanciest way to tailgate

Nov 27, 2018, 03:30 IST
  • The Cullinan is the first Rolls-Royce SUV and the most expensive SUV on the market today.
  • Cullinan, the luxury car brand's first foray into off-road vehicles, is named after the largest diamond ever discovered, worth an estimated $2 billion.
  • Take a look at the car in the video above.

The following is a transcript of the video.


Is this the fanciest way to tailgate? This SUV will turn you into a tailgate champion.

This is the Rolls-Royce Cullinan. It marks Rolls-Royce's first foray into the luxury SUV market.

Check out this electric tow hitch that swings out from under the car. One configuration of the Cullinan provides what Rolls-Royce calls a Viewing Suite. At a touch of a button, leather seats and a cocktail table fold out of a storage unit in the trunk. What an awesome way to tailgate!

Another configuration comes with a drink cabinet in the center console, complete with a refrigerator, decanter, two Rolls-Royce whiskey glasses, and two champagne flutes.


What would you use your Rolls-Royce Cullinan for?

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