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This Owl's Egg Is Going To Hatch Any Second!

Feb 23, 2013, 05:16 IST

Popular Science's Emily Elert has posted a great live stream of a Great Horned Owl, named "Mrs. Tiger" whose two eggs could hatch any second.


3:13 p.m. EST Mrs. Tiger just seems to be snoozing. Don't see any action yet.

4:40 p.m. EST: So it seems we're a little behind schedule. After much sleeping, the mom-to-be stood up and it looked like something was happening. There was a lot of noise too. Turns out she was just getting comfy and rearranging the eggs. Here's a screenshot of the commotion:


6:30 p.m. EST After another bout of shuffling around, we got a glimpse of the egg!

Shuffle shuffle shuffle:


And here's the egg:


She's even got a little treat stored up for later:



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