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This Men's T-Shirt Made Out Of Crocodile Costs $91,500

Mar 26, 2013, 03:16 IST

Luxury fashion often borders on the absurd.


The Olsen twins recently released this $55,000 backpack. This $290 paper bag by Jil Sander sold out.

And now, Hermes is selling a shirt for $91,500.

The Awl's Choire Sicha snapped a picture of the price tag on the garment.

But the price is justified by the material, he said.


"This t-shirt, to be fair, is made out of crocodile, hence its price," Sicha writes. "Literally, the entire shirt is just luxurious, beautifully sewn swaths of crocodile."

Here's the shirt in question:

Jacques Brinon/Associated Press

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