People rarely consciously look at logos. Their shopping habits were formed years ago, and don't change, especially for essentials. But when packaging suddenly changes in a big way, they definitely notice. When Tropicana tried to change things up, customers revolted, and they lost a fifth of their sales in a matter of weeks.
Bloomberg's Market Makers brought on Olson Chief Creative Officer Dennis Ryan, a veteran of campaigns for Target and Budweiser, to discuss Yahoo's logo strategy. He reminded viewers of Tropicana's efforts to modernize its classic straw-in-orange packaging.
"About five years ago [Tropicana] went to this very clean but kind of cold-looking
Here's the offending logo, alongside the one that preceded it:
People don't like change. And when a logo or packaging for a favorite product changes, it creates trust issues. The package has changed and they wonder if what's inside has, too. The generic logo made people expect a generic product.
It's one of the reasons