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This Is What An Average User Does On Facebook

Heather Leonard   

This Is What An Average User Does On Facebook

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Are You An Average Facebook User? (Social Know How via edudemic)
This word cloud visually details what an average Facebook user does on the site. From how many pages they become a fan of to how many friend requests an average Facebook user sends every day.

facebook average user

Social Know How

Did you know the average Facebook user spends about 55 minutes per day on Facebook? How about that more than 5.3 billion pieces of content are shared each month? That 3.5 million events are created? Read >>

Facebook May Charge Users To Remove Ads (GigaOM)
A patent application that Facebook filed in mid-2011 and that finally got published at the end of January suggests that the company may be willing to give up on ad space and offer users more flexibility with regards to the look of their profiles in exchange for cash. The patent application lists CEO Mark Zuckerberg himself as well as Facebook Ads Product Director Gokul Rajaram and former Facebook Product Management Director Prashant Fuloria as inventors. It doesn’t actually mention Facebook by name, and instead just refers to general social networking functionality — but both the language of the application and the accompanying drawings make it clear that this could one day very much become a Facebook monetization strategy. Read >>

How Google+ Can Boost Your Business (Mashable)
Google’s algorithm that informs how search results are ranked constantly evolves. However, one element is clearly important: how your business fares on Google+. None of that means you have to go to Google+ to do anything. Working similarly to Facebook and Twitter buttons, +1 buttons on your site allow your customers to recommend your site and/or blog posts. Should you want to take your business to the next level, however, you’re going to need to get more involved in the social sphere. You can start by filling out your Google+ Local page, in particular your About page, making sure it’s filled with relevant keywords. Don’t be thrown by the fact that you already have a Google Places page. Google simply ported all Places pages over to Local pages, so if you have one you have the other. Read >>

YouTube To Launch Streaming Music To Take On Spotify (CNNMoney)
YouTube will launch a subscription music service later this year. The service has its own negotiating team and operating unit but will likely have some overlap with new features also rumored to be coming to Google's Android music platform, Google Play. But on YouTube's coming service, anyone can listen to tracks for free. Both services are said to be adding a subscription fee that will unlock additional features. For the YouTube-based service, this will likely mean ad-free access. This isn't YouTube's first dance with the record industry. Billboard and YouTube have a joint venture, a hugely popular music video channel called Vevo. Read >>

Should You Use Klout Or Kred? (Forbes)
Companies often ask “should we use something like Kred or Klout in our hiring process?” This question is cringe-worthy. Absolutely not. But you can use them to gain some insight as to what someone is about. It has always amazed me how quickly social media managers, HR managers and even CTO’s jump to adopt new measurement tools, analytics and data, just because someone comes out with it.

  • Klout: A 14-year-old screaming about Bieber every day is just as influential as an intelligent thought-provoking tech journalist with a solid following and engagement.
  • Kred: There is a transparency. They say point-blank this is what we see you doing, this is how people are reacting to your content, and this is why and what we feel you’re influential in.

Don’t be afraid to use them to explore what someone does via social media, their interests, and even outreach. Read >>

Here's How You Create Captivating Social Media Conversations (Rebekah Radice)
In order to create a meaningful conversation, you must first open the lines of communication. Here are the seven C’s to creating social media conversations that captivate and inspire your online community:

  1. Be curious
  2. Get creative
  3. Stay connected
  4. Remain consistent
  5. Become coordinated
  6. Stay current
  7. Always capitalize

Social media opens the door to deeper, more meaningful conversations; allowing businesses to share the exact information, products and services consumers seek and all in real-time. Read >>

The Top Most Social Media-Friendly International Business Schools (OnlineMBAPage)
There’s no question that social media is important. People use it for just about everything now, including searching for the right MBA school or program. Online MBA Page put together a list of more than 300 of the top international MBA schools and gathered social media statistics for each one, then dug a little deeper to find the most "liked" and "followed" international business schools on each of the most popular social networks. The result is this top 50 list:

  • IE Business School
  • Moscow School of Management
  • Ramon Llull University
  • City University London
  • London School of Business & Finance

There are 45 more where those came from and be sure to check out the most social media friendly U.S. business schools. Read >>

How To Advertise On Pinterest (Prestige Marketing via SocialTimes)
Pinterest combines the beauty of flipping through a glossy magazine with the instant gratification of a Google search, which could be a game-changer for marketers who are looking for new ways to reach people online. This infographic breaks down everything you’ll need to know about setting up your account and getting started. Read >>


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