This Is The Car That Will Get You A Ticket In The USA
You could also be doing other illegal things in the car, according to the Daily Mail, which reported on the survey created by Ticket Magnet.
A Subaru? Really? The Cadillac of Vermont? How is this possible?
The connection with Porsche is instructive. As is the fact that the WRX is essentially a rally racing car domesticated for street-legal motoring. For years, the WRX has been known as just about the best performing, most-race-car-like set of wheels you can buy in the U.S. - for under $30,000.
And therein lies the rub, as the Daily Mail notes. Cars with far more horsepower - but far steeper sticker prices - don't place their driver at high risk of a ticket because those drivers are far more mature. They do not have a need for speed.
Bright red Ferrari? Don't worry about it. Bright red WRX? You've got trouble.