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This is how you can turn ideas into decisions using Big Data

This is how you can turn ideas into decisions using Big Data
In today’s digital world when a user makes an online purchase be it goods or service or does any activity on the social media, the data is captured. So, just imagine the gigantic volumes of data that is being generated each hour across the globe by the billions of digital users. The dawn of digitization, social media adoption and Internet of Things (IOT) has led to Data Explosion.

According to an IDC report, the 2.8 ZB (zettabytes) of data created in 2012 is expected to grow up to 40 ZB by 2020. Most of the recent data is on account of user generated content such as blogs, wikis, discussion forums, images, videos etc. This analysis indicates that enterprises are processing and analyzing an increasing amount of data.

It is impossible to consume Big Data directly. To consume this data, you need sophisticated and robust algorithms supported via advanced analytics. The essence of making informed decision on big data is through analytics. Looking at the current trend, you can safely assume that in future, analytics will be embedded in everything i.e. devices, appliances, software, apps etc. You can use these data to help consumers get Personalized Experience.

As business users are quite comfortable accessing mainstream BI software and data visualization tools, for example, Excel being most commonly used software, which plays a vital role in the analysis process, it will be easier for them to understand the advanced analytic concepts.

The following three phases explain the entire cycle of transforming big data to an actionable decision making insights:

Descriptive Analysis: This is the most often used at the Enterprise Reporting level (sales, marketing, finance) for post-mortem analysis. It mines the historical data and helps you summarize consumable bites of information. For example, in social media analytics, there are many variables such as number of posts, mentions, fans, followers, page view and so on. It is redundant to list them all, but you can view them as event counter, thus reducing your big data into much smaller data units.

Predictive Analytics: The purpose of predictive analytics is to analyze the available data and predict what might happen in the future. It uses a variety of statistical, modeling, data mining, and machine learning techniques to build a Predictive Model that studies historical data, and thereby making predictions about the data we do not currently have.

The real advantage of having this model is to extrapolate the model to regimes where data does not exist and make predictions. Predictive analytics answers the question what will happen, tries to determine the probabilistic future outcome of an event or the likelihood of a situation occurring. Examples of predictive analytics include trend lines, influence scoring, sentiment analysis, etc.

Prescriptive Analytics: The purpose of prescriptive analytics is to prescribe an actionable insight to the decision-maker. The prescriptive analytics model must have a feedback mechanism so that it can continually take in new data based on business user’s actions, and use this data to re-predict and re-prescribe. Hence improving prediction accuracy and prescribing better decision option.

Prescriptive Model cannot only predict the possible consequences based on different choice of action, it can also recommend the best course of action for any pre-specified outcome. Thus, the goal of most prescriptive analytics is to guide the decision maker, so that the decisions will ultimately lead to the target outcome.

Big Data is here to stay and grow exponentially. Also, with the improvements in the predictive and prescriptive analytical models, the outcome of data driven decision making will be a dominant factor to achieve and surpass expected business results.

(The author of this article is Vishal Mour, Principal Software Engineer, SAP Labs India)

(Image: Thinkstock)


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