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This insanely difficult color perception quiz is going nuts on Facebook

This insanely difficult color perception quiz is going nuts on Facebook

A free, insanely difficult color quiz is making the rounds on Facebook.

Called KukuKube, there are eight different levels that test your eyesight and give you a score. 11-15 is extremely bad, 15-20 is lower than normal, 21-30 is normal, and over 31 is amazing eyesight.

Test your eyes Thai friends are passing this around today:Scores: 31 pilot 21-30 normal15-20 lower than normal 11-15 worse than badhttp://

Posted by Michael Yon on Sunday, March 22, 2015

The online quiz tests your ability to differentiate shades of color. It starts out simple enough with four big squares and one shaded an obviously different hue:



Not too challenging.

Easy, right? Not for long.

It quickly evolves to groups of 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 squares while the quiz itself grows harder as it becomes increasingly challenging to pick out the shaded cube:



Whoa! Answer: Top row, fourth from the right.

The key is to be quick, because if you wait too long, the game will end after 60 seconds and score you lower.

KukuKube gets easier the more you do it. The first time playing online, I got a measly 21, but after taking it again, I got 24, 29, and then an enviable 37.

And I'm not alone in wanting to share my score:

For those who enjoy the web version, there's also an app for iOS and Android where the scoring and levels are a bit different, but no less fun.

You can play KukuKube here.

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