This Haunting Photo Of A Stunned Syrian Girl Embodies Assad's Strategy
REUTERS/Hosam Katan
The regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is in the midst of an unprecedented bombing campaign in Syria's largest city of Aleppo.
For the last four months, the Syrian Air Force jets have been dropping bombs - including steel barrels packed with explosives and shrapnel - on the country's former commercial and industrial hub.
This injured girl, in shock and covered with blood after a barrel bombing, exemplifies the reality of Assad's sinister plan to retake one of the oldest cities in the world with indiscriminate force.
Here's what the barrel bombings - and double barrel bombings - have looked like in various Syrian cities:
The result, seen across Syria, is sheer destruction:
REUTERS/Hamid Khatib
There are numerous horrifying photos of the bombing campaign's human toll. The little girl depicts the brutality of the crude devices while sparing the gore.
REUTERS/Hosam Katan
More than 7 million Syrians have fled during three years of war - one million to neighboring Lebanon alone - but many of the country's 23 million residents have no choice but to attempt a live in their battered country.
REUTERS/Ammar Abdullah
And as Assad - who is preparing for re-election - continues to pummel the residents of his country with Russian weapons and Iranian direction, the leaders of the free world do nothing except talk.