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This Guy's Guess On 'Wheel Of Fortune' May Be The Worst Ever

Jun 7, 2014, 07:52 IST

Admittedly, there's tons of pressure on "Wheel of Fortune," but that doesn't change the terrible, nonsensical guess that came from a recent contestant.


The answer from a contestant named Stephen came during the "Toss Up" round, where letters are revealed and contestants can buzz in to guess the puzzle. When he buzzed in, this was the board:

TMZ/Wheel of Fortune

His guess: "Surf Clay Here We Go," which, you know, doesn't even fit. Host Pat Sajak responded only with, "Um, no."

Stephen later told TMZ he panicked and forgot the category, and despite his screw-up here, he ended the show with $7,200, CNN reports.

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'Wheel of Fortune' Flub -- Yeah, I'm an Idiot ... But There's a Bigger Idiot Than Me - Watch More Celebrity Videos or Subscribe
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