Being in this profession for almost 10 years now, he used to sell chicken with a heavy heart thinking about the consequences that too much usage of plastic bags would result in.
Before the advent of plastic bags, these boxes were used. And Razak has again gone back to the history to save the environment. For small quantities, however, Razak uses paper and banana leaf as these boxes are costlier.
Not only are these paymra boxes eco-friendly, the fibre in it lets air seep through and keep the meat fresher for longer hours. Also the palm leaves has an aroma that gets infused into the chicken and adds to the flavour while being cooked.
It’s actually the plan of Razak’s son,
Meat in palymra boxes are a huge hit and people in the locality are quite ecstatic. Razak told The Times of India,” Of late there is lot of awareness among people also. They are willing to bring utensils to buy meat. After I have introduced palmyra boxes, a lot of people are keen on using them and traders have asked for such boxes.”
(Image: India Times)