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This chart shows the incredible risks of cyber attacks - and how you can protect against them

Jul 21, 2016, 00:41 IST

The world is becoming an increasingly networked place - with everything from food delivery to banking to local pizza places and education making the move online. 


All of this connection is making the world a more dynamic, efficient, and accessible place. However, as increasing amounts of personal data are migrated to online, the risks of cyber attacks become ever more severe and ever more common. 

According to Eastern Kentucky University, there are between 80 and 90 million cybersecurity related instances yearly. Of these instances, approximately 70% of the attacks go completely unnoticed. Luckily, there are a number of simple steps anyone can take for protection from cyber attacks. 

The following graphic, from  Eastern Kentucky University's Online Safety Degree program, highlights both the costs of cyber attacks and how to best prepare for them.

Eastern Kentucky University Online



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